
Traktor accident in Efringen-Kirchen: Lärmschutzwand massive damaged!

Traktor accident in Efringen-Kirchen: Lärmschutzwand massive damaged!

Vorfall Traffic accident
Uhrzeit 21:45
Ort Efringen-Kirchen
Verletzte 2
Saxony in € 10000
Ursache Driver error

On October 26, 2024, a spectacular traffic accident started in the Lörrach district, as a Traktor of the Fahrbahn and a Lärmschutzwand der Bahnstrecke teilweise through the brach. Der Vorfall geschah gegen 21:45 Uhr am Ortsrand von Efringen-Kirchen. The Traktor, with the deferred loading capacity of the wall, can no longer move, while you are in the light space profile of the strong frequency routes of the Rheintalbahn line. Sofortige maßnahmen wurden ergriffen, om die Bahnstrecke zu sperren and possible Folgeunfälle zu avoid, was especially zugverspätungen führte.

Enjoy your time with pleasure for a short time for railway traffic. The Fahrer of the Traktors, it is a fact that the police had an unforeseen event, but there were only a few minor delays. The damage and protection against damage can be protected in a fun way. The great Feuerwehr celebration, that there was no technical equipment at the tractor storage area, was not present. The Polizeirevier Weil am Rhein that the Ermittlungen übernommen übernommen and bittet a Hinweise zu den Fahrern, die in the Augenzeugenberichtes were written about. Details about the current situation, please report to, that…

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