
Von Hitze bis Erreger: Bericht bij het Gesundheitsfahren durch Klimakrise

Von Hitze bis Erreger: Bericht bij het Gesundheitsfahren durch Klimakrise

The climbing walk is becoming more and more attractive as human health increases. Die Zahl has raised temperatures higher more lost Schlafstunden zum Beispiel stieg vom Zeitraum 1986 to 2005 to zum Zeitraum 2019 to 2023 um nice Prozentwho reported a research team in the Fachmagazin “The Lancet”. Schlafmangel can solve the problem of mental and mental problems, chronic Schlafmangel is a different risk Diabetes, obesity and Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen erhöhen.

Durren und Hitzewellen haben dem Report zufolge dazu geführt, dass im Mittel 2022 in 124 untersuchten Ländern 151 Millions more people von mäßiger of der schwerer Ernährungsunsicherheit were affected as im Zeitraum from 1981 to 2010.

Wetterextreme harm to people

Quickly half of the global landfläche (48 Prozent) will last a month for a year more extreme Dürre. Since then – since the beginning of 1950 – it is completely clear that we are still looking forward to 2020. See more extreme rainfall and Wirbelstürme führten zu Überschwemmungen, Infektionskrankheiten and Wasserverschmutzunghe is working on “Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change”.

Another time the clima walk started is the next step in the battle potenziell todlicher Infektionskrankheiten who Denguefieber, Malaria, West-Nil-Fieber and Vibrion infections. While the temperature is higher, the longer the temperature becomes unaffected.

Bemühungen reichen bei small item nicht

More than 120 experts and expert team from Marina Romanello from the Institute for Global Health at University College London, who prepared the report on 29. Weltklimakonferenz (COP29) in November in Baku (Aserbaidschan) Studienergebnisse und Klimadaten sister together.

“No report has been published on the temperature of the temperature at a distance of 1.5 degrees, beyond that,” the Gruppe wrote. “Kein Mensch and kleine Volkswirtschaft on those Planets are immune “For the health benefits of climate walking”, Romanello warns.

Follow the instructions for the Wirtschaft

Information about research into 2023 in greater Hitze 512 Milliarden Arbeitstunden was not supported, was also a service ausfall for many workers. It’s a special people thing poor Landern: These forces do not affect labor standards 7.6 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsproducts (BIP) aus – in reichen Ländern were es nur 0.5 Prozent.

Die durchschnittlichen jährlichen economical pleasure by the wetter clause Extreme reign of the Message from 2014 to 2023 to quickly establish a Viertel (23 Prozent) 227 Billions of US dollars.

Let more problems arise in Germany

Der Bericht enthält auch Daten zur Situation in Deutschland. It is a matter of time before the ambient temperature becomes a fact mittleres or higher risks for Hitzestress If interest in leisure time increases, time spent in the Zeitraum from 2014 to 2023 will soon be twice as high as in the Zeitraum from 1990 to 1999.

I have lost a year since the Bevölkerung durchschnittlich eight Hitzetagen pro Jahr Ausgesetzt, wobei der Osten Deutschlands tends to get into war, the higher it is. Betont is the best way to save energy and optimize the nutzung fossil of the Treibhaus gas emissions and reduce the todesfällen.

Even more investments are being made in fossils

The authoring and authoring of messages are critically assessed, while investments are made in them for a longer period of time fossil BrennstoffeIt is still the case that the gas and transport conditions at the transition and the climbing walk pose a risk to humans, that is.

If we continue to earn billions of dollars from subsidies and investments in fossil fuels, the climate will slow down. Dieses Geld musse in inerable energies Anyway Active activities are carried out, those der Healthdem Lebensunterhalt and dem Wohlbevinden der Menschen zugutekommen.

Please note that climatic conditions may change over time Mangel and Finanzmitteln often grim results, still not fast at the end of 2023 37 Prozent der weltweiten Energy investments in fossil Brennstoffe flossen seien. In many states, subsidies are granted for our national health care.

“Ol- and gas systems – understützt von manyen Regierungen und dem globalen Finanzsystem – verstarken weiterhin die Abhängigkeit der Welt von fossilen Brennstoffen”, says the Mitautorin Stella Hartinger of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. The health and dedication of millions of people were set in play.