
“Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” in Fulda was founded at the premiere

“Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” in Fulda was founded at the premiere

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Fulda

The Veranstalter and Aussteller are a rundum zufrieden: Bei seiner Premiere hat the Event „Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben“ Tausende Menschen in the Fuldaer Innenstadt locked. 2025 has become a new edition.

Fulda – After the Treasures of the Kreishandwerkerschaft since living around 6500 Visitors to the outdoor event “Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” in the Innenstadt. Around 3000 people were present during the opening day. I have started arranging all my services for the handwerker-frühstück with XXL-Schwartemagen.

“That’s a bigger stand. It’s grateful that you can undertake all the active activities and events. 2025 has begun with the traditions of the ‘Tag des Handwerk’, while in September I wrote a new version of a stelle in the statistics of September, ‘said the Geschäftsführerin der Kreishandwerkerschaft Fulda, Gabriele Leipold, for the new Minuten Bilanz. “The organization loves who I am Schnürchen”, spoke Kreishandwerkmeister Thorsten Krämer of the Mediengruppe Parzeller a lullen Lob aus.

“Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” in Fulda was founded at the premiere

Make sure the display is high. “For us, the experience here at the fair was totally exciting,” reported Patrick Wichmann, PR manager at Fronius Deutschland in Neuhof-Dorfborn. “If you work with our installation partner Elektro Burkhardt, you can present our expertise in the knowledge of the Wechselrichter technology to a wider audience. Our products are not aimed at final science, but at the path to an installation.”

Wichmann said: “We didn’t know much about it, it was our experience, but we were also interested in being such a great visitor.” There is a first time that a business community has arisen, which is willing to help Fronius-Stand vorbeigekommen. „Viele davon messageeten we have positive experiences with unseen losses.“ Especially with regard to interest and photovoltaics and e-mobility: „Man notices, that is the source of interest with these topics.”

“The Auftragsbücher is one of the most attractive market situations, except in the Bereichen erneuerbare Energies, Photovoltaics und der Anschluss von Härmepompen”, Verriet Johannes Burkart, Geschäftsführer des renommierten Unternehmens Elektro Burkart and Obermeister der Elektro-Innung. “At once, in the housing construction industry under pressure and the change in the handicraft service industry, the electrical handiwork is also affected by stability and a watchtower as well,” is one.

Burkart no longer sees the rise, the young talent of the form, as Enlightenment, but also as Chance for Weiterentwicklung des samten Handwerk. “It is a powerful Spaß, with the Colleges im Verband zammenzuarbeiten and the next Generation optimally on the reforms of the Branche vorzubereiten.”

Burkart continues: “It is a mystery that there is no theoretical knowledge, but only practical solutions and problem strategies.” listened to Energy Management System. “Everything is a comprehensive representation and a continuous training of the employees.”

I think this Veranstaltung is one of the best platforms for handicrafts in the Innenstadt.

For all generated concrete themes of Burkart, there is a switch of involvement in the most important work, an innovation and legality of the craft is certain and powerful.

The Nachwuchsförderung is located at the Obermeister der Maler- und Lackierer-Innung Fulda-Hünfeld, Thorsten Lins, am Herzen. As the Frage, who is a motivation of the young generation, orders itself, answers Lins with an augenzwinkern: “Großartiges Talent muss man nicht mitbringen, aber man sollte auch keine zwei linken Hände haben and creativ sein.” the visible Ergebnisse ihrer Arbeit: „The beauty of the craft is, the man at the end of the days sieht, was man gelistet hat. It is always the case that you can start a fruitful project.” The new sales format “Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” is used in Lin’s great recognition. “Der Zuspruch was revorragend. I think that this Veranstaltung is one of the best platforms for handicrafts in the Innenstadt.”

See more with the large interest of the visitors who are also Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Rouven Wetzel, Bauleiter des Unternehmens Baumgarten. Make sure that you can use the creative workboxes, restore and spend the features for the renovation. “These toys are especially good for children, they are fun and the theme of construction work and handicrafts are revived,” Wetzel explains.

“Handwerk.Lokal.Erleben” in Fulda was founded at the premiere
Am Sonntag besuchtte around 3500 Menschen die Stände der Aussteller. © Mirko Luis

The initiative is passionate, the young worker of the manual laborer and the interest in handicrafts is looking for work. But the real highlight of the stand is the innovative Modulbau-System, which was created by the company Baumgarten. “Diese Bauweise is a bigger conviction and a better choice. Vorteile: The great Vorteil ist, dass wir diese Module in unserer Productionshalle in Weyers vorfertigen können.“ Wetzel concretet, dass diese Methode immer more Anklang findet: „Wir gehen immer more dazu über, The module you use is the one before you merge . A more efficient and cleaner Bauweise has been created.”

Within the range of Outdoor Innenstadt Events, the Innung des Kraftfahrzeuggewerbes is shown with a final rushing stand. Among the most influential areas and by destination Wetter sah Martin Deuter, Kfz-Mechanikermeister und Inhaber a Werkstatt in Großenlüder-Bimbach, in der Veranstaltung fell Potenzial. “For us, this is the best opportunity, we are here in the inner city and enjoy the craftsmanship and the care we receive,” explains the 54-year-old owner. Obwohl das Interesse an Kfz-Berufen traditionalell hoch ist, sieht Deuter auch Herausforderungen. “It is a matter of debtor, and of a high Zahl and Azubis – etwa 70 Prüfungen wurden kürzlich abgenommen – bleibt der Fachkräftemangel ein Thema“, erklärte there. Particularly, there is a problem with the anticipation of women in the industry. “I’m always happy to be able to provide a better solution for Kfz-Mechatronikerin,” Deuter continues.

Aussteller freuen ich über Interesse der Besucher

As Botschafter für sein Handwerk, Deuter can direct Einblick in de Fragen und Interessen der Besucher. “Most of the guests are interested in their topics in the field of electric cars and new technologies,” he said. It’s a Zeichen dafür, with stark technology and environmental themes in the foreground. Dennoch sees the Deuter Optimierungsbedarf: “Bei zukünftigen Veranstaltungen wir den Beruf nor stärker revorheben and felllight technical Tester and Demonstrations offered, um the practical interest zucken.”

Stefan Gensler, Obermeister of the Body and Vehicle Builders, talks with Stolz and Enthusiasm about the Developments and the Dynamic Seines Handwerks. At the Veranstaltung in Fulda, there is no handicraft that is demonstrated, but rather the convincing perspective on the state of affairs.

“It has been 23 years since I have been with Edag Engineering since then and have been happy with the results for research and development. Our question here is what is the basis of the robbery wuchses, so Gensler, der mit Freude auf de Einführung nouvelle Ausbildungsberufe. Another strong point is the strong involvement of women in a traditionally male craft. “It is fascinating to see how craftsmanship has developed and who is committed to innovation and tradition,” said Gensler.

The stand of the Dachdeckerinnung is no longer open, but is a bit new. Obermeister Jürgen Bug and his daughter, Dachdeckermeisterin Rebecca Brandenstein, have put an end to a task in a craft, the traditional way of working with more modern techniques. “Yes, on every day”, dear Jürgen Bug, if there is fragmented, is an interactive dialogue with the way he is approached. “We have a strong power, Rosen from copper shavings gefertigt and the public to make it part. ” For technical companies it is worthwhile to build a virtual reality with a virtual reality glasses kit and virtually make his first Dach-steigen. “If you see, who is it, then you can look at the information about the Dachdeckerhandwerk”, explains Bug has started.