
More Critical Journalists’ Congress in Vorarlberg: Eingeständnisse and heiße Debates

More Critical Journalists’ Congress in Vorarlberg: Eingeständnisse and heiße Debates

Bereits zum written According to the Liechtensteiner Libertatem-Stiftung nach Vorarlberg with a Journalists’ Congress. New impulse responses were also given by workshops for Jung-Journalists. Who continues the year with the Congress and most journalists, who no longer undertakes the mainstream and in his work tagtäglich for the critical reporting statistics that are interpreted, is the way he is Austausch.

German business journalists can use a private individual to monitor and negotiate. If you want more information and information about the impulse reference of companies, you can deal with the personal development of one of the best publishers and ex-national government agencies Niko Alm, the Italian wirtschaftswissenschaftler Thomas Maran or the exxpress columnist Christian Ortner.

Including the War of the Einblick in the Kriegsberichterstattung of ORF-Auslandskorrespondents Christian Wehrschütz. Journalisten-Urgestein nahm that guy with a trip in the Kriegsgebiete in the Balkans and the Ukraine, cannot be derived from the experiences with videos.

The Abschluss des Kongresses in Hohenems depicts a stage discussion, while they sit with the Diskutanten as one of the other Fragerunde for Publikum how it went. Neben Christian Wehrschütz treated Medienexperten about the chef of the new Zürcher Zeitung Eric Gujer with Libratus-Gründerin Gudula Walterskirchen with Nius correspondent Julius Böhm who played the role of Medien in the Krisenzeiten.

As the publicity spreads, the corona time with lockdowns and impfzwang is still the theme of cuts, if it is a critical situation. Interesting: The Teilnehmer am Podium stellten der medialen Corona-Berichterstattung ein schlechtes Zeugnis aus; If you want to leave the underlying direction, you will not criticize the influence of the imps. Especially in Österreich herrscht ganz clear noch Aufarbeitungsbedarf des Themas – and also the Rolle der Medien in jener Zeit.