
Supervisory board member in his prime

Supervisory board member in his prime

Wertheim. The Hauptversammlung des TV Wertheim und dieser Tage im Hotel “Kette” (Zorbas) statt. Neben Neuwahlen stand de Ehrungen von treuen Mitgliedern auf der Tagesordnung. The front mitglieder can get a boost in its prime. They will be of great help to you if you wish. The financial report and the report from the German power of the Abteilungen, that is the Turnverein auf soliden Beinen steht.

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On steady legs

Broadcaster Axel Wältz has power with his German message, that the Turnverein is a “Hort der Stabilität” in an unsafe time. During the sentencing of the debts and the debts the turnover of the judge can become larger.

If you do not perform sports activities, the sale is no longer eligible. As the Nikolaus gymnastics or the “gemütliche Beisammensein” after the sports hours, the TV Wertheim has been a “piece of heaven” for many generations.

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Wals continues, it is even more fun to start. You can take the next step in the gain of other components. There are many thanks to the involvement of the trainer and group leaders in the sports halls and the health center „TOPvital“.

Financial situation Manfred Rieger stated in his message in detail that the committed deployment of sports halls as well as the workers in the health center have managed to remain financially stable during the Corona period. Medical fitness training, fitness courses, rehabilitation sports and physiotherapy practices are increasingly being offered. The excessive efficiency of nutrition is one of the main consequences of the heat and the temperature. The concept of the “TOPvital” is one of the best in the region – it is a pleasure and has a high professional level.

Recommendations for those who make high inflation and rising energy costs, may be that the Turnverein is generally noticeable. Daily financial control is continuous. Cashier Jochen Wältz was able to prepare a positive annual meeting for the 2023 annual presentation. Mittlerweile umfasse Finanzverwaltung-monatlich over 1000 Buchungssätze.

Translator wanted

Renate Krauß reports on the Kinderturnabteilung. All groups are satisfied, and all rules are with Freude and Zuverlässigkeit dabei. More attention is paid to solving the teething problems if they are like that. People do not want to know how the young people react – here it is no longer a trainer. Krauß also reports on the inclusion of the German sports badge at TV Wertheim. These are of high quality in knitting sport and are free to have a ​​​​higher conviction.

Maria Kern read the report of the gymnastics and fitness groups. These finds are in the Kernstadt, Bestenheid, Wartberg and Waldenhausen statt. The groups start to enjoy for years, but the company does not come back. This problem was repeated and a new problem was solved. Die Jedermänner trains in der SH1 in Bestenheid. Siegfried Krauß reported on the „Jedermänner Stadt“. The group is active over the years and the Turnhalle is busy solving problems while it feels good. There is a light financial statutory financing. The report of Manfred Rieger on the activities of the „Jedermänner Bestenheid“.

Martin Krank has discussed the situation of the badminton department. The training lessons for experienced and young people are stable for years and the technique is good. Through the soulful action that wolle man in Zukunft weitere Jugendliche für de Badminton-Sport-gewinnen.

Christoph Löser reported on the activities of Basketball-Abteilung. The person has a good feeling in the sports hall with the other group associations. Look at the WM title for the German basketball players with an enormous size. A proper training finds a regularity and a man who is special in the competition.

There are many problems and troubles during the volleyball and karate tournament.

Bernd Weigand designed a one-wall-free Kassenführung. The diversification is completed in e-instimmig mode. If the Neuwahlen are all Vorstandsmitglieder einstimmig gewählt.

The Ehrungen für longjährige Mitgliedschaften bildeten the Höhepunkt of the harmonious Mitgliederversammlung. Werner Honeck was thanked for his bishige Tätigkeit as Kassenprüfer. There would be a question of verabschiedet.

Follow the Mitglieder wurden geehrt: 25 Jahre: Susanne Spettel, Irina Hert; 40 Jahre: Elke Hauck, Elfriede Eichhorn, Christian Ulzhöfer, Irene Grein; 50 years: Jürgen Küchler, Liselotte Mahal, Annemarie Stöss; 60 Jahre: Horst Eilender; 70 Jahre: Heinz Kreßmann.

Follow people photos from the TV show Wertheim: Vorsitzender: Axel Wältz; zweiter Vorsitzender Finanzen: Manfred Rieger; Kassenwart: Jochen Wältz; Leitung Geschäftsstelle/Gesamtverein: Stefanie Kunkel; Beisitzer: Renate Krauß, Maria Kern, Aileen Kern, Sibel Ulrich, Henrieta Wältz; Kassenprüfer: Bernd Weigand. p.m