
Lower Saxony and Bremen: Stadt ersetzt Dealer: Hannover will legally absorb cannabis

Lower Saxony and Bremen: Stadt ersetzt Dealer: Hannover will legally absorb cannabis

Lower Saxony and Bremen
City dealer: Hannover will legally consume cannabis

Oberbürgermeister Onay has developed a model project that promotes knowledge about the body with cannabis. Ziel ist, de Jugendschutz zu Verbessern und de Schwarzmarkt-einzudämmen.

Hannover (dpa/lni) – An bis zu drei Verkaufsstellen im Stadtgebiet will Hannover vom kommenden Jahr an Cannabis abgeben. You can now rely on the question whether there are a number of legal models and models with THC-halving products with hashish or cannabis blossom ends – and now in the gesetzliche mixtures. Clearing an investigation into access to the consumer market, the investigation into the general and legal protection taking place on the Schwarzmarkt.

Hannover’s Oberbürgermeister Belit Onay (Grüne) said that the knowledge from the study on the political issues would disappear a bit. Cooperation partner of the city of Frankfurt and the Sanity Group GmbH, which has a comparable model project in the Schweiz organization.

Federal law first model project dieser Art

If the city of Hanover acts, this is one of the first model projects of Art. The beautiful etwa 4,000 Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmer müssen über 18 Jahre alt sein and ihren Wohnsitz in Hannover haben. A research team from the Medical University Hannover (MHH) will be fragged regularly. A few new products and products that provide a gentler result are.

Since April 1st, the minimum limit for cannabis legalization is 25 grams and a maximum of 50 grams can be purchased in Germany. In private homes you must take a longer period into account. Verboten ist der Konsum unter Anderem in Gegenwart von Minderjährigen, in Schulen, auf Spielplätzen and in Sportstätten.

Since 1. July, Cannabis-anbauvereine for the common Anbau and the Weitergabe in the Zulassung bean rags. Provided the mind lasts 21 years, it takes 25 Gramm Cannabis pro Tag and 50 Gramm Cannabis pro Monat zum Eigenkonsum.

Club in Ganderkesee bei der Ernte vorn

The first Erlaubnis in Lower Saxony was on July 8 and a Verein in Ganderkesee in the Oldenburg district in the mountains. The Cannabis Social Club Ganderkesee is active near the Halve line 400 Pflanzen. After the cannabis has been packaged and packaged in the United States in November and the Mitglieder has ended.

Before two weeks ago, few other Federal Labor Organizations had started operations in Germany, which had already begun. Allerdings, so concrete that in Lower Saxony sister Landwirtschaftskammer, bestehe keine Pflicht, the Zeitpunkt der Ernte zu report.

Verunreinigtes Cannabis financed

Cannabis legislation covers, among other things, the sale of products. The Cannabis-Unternehmen Sanity Group, project partner in Frankfurt and Hannover, set out to implement a Stichproben-Erhebung in 30 German cities on the Black Market. Project leader Leonard Friedrich said: “That one
Ergebnisse dieser Analyzes untermauern deutlich, wie urgent der politique
Handlongbedarf wirklich ist. In Proben aus Hanover wurden beispielsweise Spuren
“In the EU, pesticides are also prohibited.”