
North Korea: Nächste Stadt in der Ostukraine vor Russian Ansturm

North Korea: Nächste Stadt in der Ostukraine vor Russian Ansturm

ARCHIV - A rettungsarbeiter removes the Trümmer eines Wohnhauses, which was destroyed by a rocket. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa
ARCHIV – A rettungsarbeiter removes the Trümmer eines Wohnhauses, which was destroyed by a rocket. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa


The Russian form in the Ostukraine is the Industriestadt Pokrowsk which is the most important Soul.

Der Feind stehe nur noch knapp sieben Kilometer voor de Stadt in Gebiet Donezk, die voor de Krieg etwa 50.000 Einwohner hatte, sagte der Leiter der Stadtverwaltung, Serhij Dobrjak. We are happy to welcome 12,000 people in Pokrowsk as well as having children, as well as having an infrastructure that will last 80 years.

Am Frontabschnitt Pokrowsk seien am Mittwoch 28 Russian Sturmangriffe becomes, part of the Ukrainian Generalstab in Kiev mit. The joint long Front in East and South has 134 good experiences.

Negotiations took place in Washington, New York and Brussels, with the Russian Streitkräfte winning 10,000 soldiers from North Korea. The US State Department said it “is a good thing” to help soldiers in Krieg in Ukraine. One of the North Korean countries that left Russia is no longer in Ukraine. The UN Security Council is entitled to the Russian Botschafter Wassili Nebensja de militarische Kooperation mit Nordkorea. This is not aimed at Dritte.

Ukrainian Verteidigung im Donbass bröckelt

Ukraine will spend more time in the face of a major Russian invasion, the country will fall under Moscow’s control. In the South of the regions, the Ukrainian representatives in the pasts Tagen and Wochen more Städte räumen sparrows. Major General Dmytro Martschenko spoke a Zusammenbruch of the Front.

Pokrowsk would take a long time. The Zufahrt zur bedrohten Stadt has never been completely blocked, like Stadtchef Dobrjak. If a Strassen street is abandoned, there is a sales slump in construction. After Pokrowsk, the Ukraine eventually lost the city of Selydowe. Damit could have Angriffe auf Pokrowsk auch von Süden erolgen.

Ebenso fell heavily on the Russian Truppen after Ukrainian Angaben am Frontabschnitt der Stadt Kurachowe aus. This is the 28th that went into battle with the army with. This message does not come from Kämpfen from the previous reporting about Kurachiwka. Ukrainian military blogs see the Ort over a Russian control.

EU forces Kursumkehr North Korea

EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell ensured that North Korea put a stop to the Russian government in Ukraine. “The Anwesenheit of more Tausend Soldiers, the together with the Russian Militär, constitutes a testimonial to the UN Charter and more Resolution of the UN Security Councils,” said Borrell in Brussels. It is a fact that North Korea’s action abroad follows Frieden and prosperity in Europe and the world. Borrell can have an “angemese reaction”. There were weeks of consultations with Japan and South Korea.

US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin said in Washington that the Kremlin had helped the North Korean government with the Truppen in the Kursk region and the border in Ukraine. “Wir sehen, dass si Russian Uniforms tragen und mit Russischer Ausgestung ausgestattet sind,” says there.

Russian President Wladimir Putin labeled the security of North Korean soldiers as a bad idea. It is clear that Ukraine has emerged from the NATO State on a personal level. Moscow has continued cooperation with North Korea “in full swing, and no one can hinder us,” UN Secretary-General Nebensja said in New York.

Russian Luftangriffe mit Raketen, Bomben en Drohnen

During this period, Russia is taking over Ukraine from the air and – with rockets, bombs and bombs. Everything in the Port of Odessa and in Umland is regionally protected and the missiles have been suppressed. Explosions were loud. When you leave the city, says Bürgermeister Hennadij Truchanow. About Odessa and the export of goods from Ukraine. Deshalb will leave the coast if he attacks Russia.

In the eastern Grossstadt Charkiw schlugen nach Medienberichts Gleitbomben ein and verletzten 17 Menschen. Mit Tagesanbruch des Donnerstags rerschte in infallen Teilen der Nord- und Zentralukraine Alarmwegen Russian Drohnen in der Luft.

Ukraine will Tomahawks zur Abschreckung

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has written a report from the “New York Times” that the US has received a Marschflugkörper from Typ Tomahawk to the Russian Abschreckung. So it is a secret that there are ‘siege plans’, which are often presented in Washington, because they are journalists in the island state capital Reykjavik. The plan is an expansion of Ukraine, a Russia of aggressive aggression.

Selenskyj looks at the information you are looking for and where you can use the information as Vertrauensbruch. «Wie soll man diese Nachricht verstehen? If he is also a partner who provides information, it is a celebration. Tomahawks have a maximum Reichsweite of 2,400 kilometers and can reach theoretical grounds of the Ukrainian Boden from the Russian Grossstädte in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Yekaterinburg in the Urals.

The Ukraine has become barren with a new fight and its military subjects of the American Ramstein-Gruppe, Selensky in the videobotschaft. Details or a date are not available. A clash against the American military apparatus Ramstein in Rhineland-Palatinate had its own fault in October as Gipfel found statistics with the American presidents. Joe Biden went over a Wirbelsturms in the US ab. Spater hollow is black signals Besuch in Deutschland nach, nicht aber das Ramstein-Treffen.