
Bundesrechnungshof rechnet ab: Heils Job-Turbo for Ukrainian flop | Politics

The Federal Court of Justice (BRH) is legally responsible for the Federal Government and its auspices. “Job Turbo” for Ukrainian Fighters ab. This is our first BILD report from BRH reform.

So the current amount is 720,000 Ukrainian Sozialleistungen (after the SGB II), costs approximately 500,000 Arbeitsfähige. The MONATLICHEN costs have risen to an amount of 539 million euros.

Zum Vergleich: In November 2022, also new Monate nach Kriegsbeginn in the Ukraine, the Zahlungsansprüche of Ukrainian Flüchtlingen were worth 445 million euros. Die Anzahl en Leistungsbeziehern is also increasing further.

Die von Hubertus Heil and Federal Government There may be “Beschäftigungswelle” if you spend more time on the message. Der „Stern“ has a message on the Donnerstag.

Kai Whittaker (39, CDU) got the chance to win the

Kai Whittaker (39, CDU) got the chance to use the “Job-Turbos”

Photo: photo alliance/dpa

Kai Whittaker (39, CDU), Mitglied im Arbeitsausschusss des Bundestags, sagte zu BILD: “Die Ampel lies mal wieder in die Tasche. Saving statistics during the Job-Turbo explosions against the costs for citizen money. The Job Turbo is a Flop Turbo!”

Chaos at Integration Courses

The BRH identifies itself in the message Message more “Hindernisse bei der Zielerreichung”:

Long Wartezeiten auf Integration course: The Ukrainian people need more money for an integration course. Grund, so the Vorwurf des Bundesrechnungshofs: The Jobcenter such as nur Kurse in the direct Umgebung, Angebote in Pendel-Umgebung was not reported.

Abbreviation of Integration Courses: If there is a problem, the Integration Course may provide a solution to a “whole problem”. The Rechnungshof states: “The Job Center is not covered by a legal certificate.”

Make sure you have control

Uninsured contact-proof: Once some integration courses have been found, you can contact the Job Center and find a job that can find all your statistics.

The Prüfung van de BRH ergab aber: Im Jahr 2023 durchschnittlich sechs Monate (180 Tage) zwischen de Beratungtermminen round um das End eines Kurses. Im Jahr 2024 we were in Schnitt noch 115 Tage – also deutlich zu lang!

After the Integration course: no single flight in the job!

Mangle at payment request: Nur 20 Prozent der Absolventen von Integrationskursen bekamen 2023 een Vermittlungsangebot during the Jobcenter, in the year 2024 since 40 Prozent.

The Bilanz: 2023 führte KEIN EINZIGER Vermittlungsvorschlag zu einem Ergebnis, in Jahr 2024 there was little as a Prozent.

Dazu comes: Die Job center If you solve the problem, when Leistungsempfänger sei an Arbeitsaufnahme “unzumutbar”.

The Rechnungshof comes with a lower level of care and expression of “erheblichen Schwierigkeiten”, which they have from the Prüfung ergeben.

As for Whittaker: ‘More than two years after Kriegsbeginn weniger als een Drittel der Ukrainian in Deutschland – een armutszeugnis. Hubertus Heil is not a Labor Minister, but he must remain as Alimentierungsminister for a long time.”