
Lidl with larger products at Bezahlen –viele Kunden schauen in die Röhre

Lidl with larger products at Bezahlen –viele Kunden schauen in die Röhre

Der Einkauf at Lidl is intended for the German festival of the wöchentlichen Ritual. If all the cuts in the price of Discounter power take place, the load can be replenished quickly. The warteschlangen and the greenhouse became longer and longer – and the Frust-Level-steigt.

Although practically speaking, it is not worth using the greenhouse. Stichwort: Self-Checkout Greenhouses! The money is with Rewe, Kaufland & Co. stayed longer – people could hardly make their own money and make money.

Lidl has launched a blessing variant of the “Scan & Go” Prinzips that carried out more test phases throughout Europe during the launch. Yes, the whole thing and the start will happen – but not all can be profitable.

Lidl power at “Scan & Go” seriousness

The ‘Scan & Go’ principle distinguishes between normal Self-Checkout greenhouses – here you can use the desired products directly for convenient scanning and scanning. Finally, Lidl is ready to read “Scan & Go” completely. Heißt: The items were scanned so they could go to the house and go online. If you are concerned about the way Diebstahl-Risiko is developing the plan for “”.

When we have the new Prinzip nuts, we will read the smallest lessons. The “Scan & Go” is not suitable for all automatic nut bars.

Not all ables can go crazy

The most logical choice is of course, it is a Lidl branch in the first place Self-Checkout-Vending Machines-gibt. That has never been überall in Deutschland der Fall. Interesting people can also get a surplus of benefits in their Stamm-Lidl delivery for once.

If you are a discounter provider, Lidl-Kunding can no longer automatically get started.

Very interesting: Information about Lidl

A notification is available in the Lidl Plus app for “Scan & Go”. The new policy is based on part of the active operation in the ustzungsbedingungen of smartphone support.

If you are not yet in the app registrar, you can go to the Kasse.