
25 years of «Volle Kanne» in ZDF

25 years of «Volle Kanne» in ZDF

A more or less prominent guest of the Frühstückstisch, of cooking, gardening or health tips who have active information from politics, business and society: This group guarantees the succession of the ZDF design magazines »Volle Kanne« for 25 years. Hundreds of people ring a bell.

On August 30, 1999 I found the first message about the image – not under the names “Volle Kanne, Susanne” and with the moderator of Susanne Stichler. On Wednesday (August 26) the »Volle Kanne«-Team the anniversary took place and an extraordinary moment from the Sendungsgeschichte. As a guest we were included in the anniversary period by extreme athlete Joey Kelly with his son Luke and the musician Thomas Anders who played Revolverheld-Frontmann Johannes Strate with pianist Sebastian Knauer.

»The theme is a matter of celebration,« said ZDF Chief Editor Bettina Schausten. »Rund een bekannstellen Frühstückstisch Deutschlands wird aufgegriffen, was de Menschen in ihrem Alltagsleben bewegt.«

From Mpox to Wein-Yoga

Concrete can be – who for a few days geschehen – so out: an expert on the new variant of the Krankheit Mpox, a Blick on the starting Kultur-Festival Ruhrtriennale is a Beitrag about Wein-Yoga – all that and still less inner was 85 Minuten. In the anniversary year it is thematic among other things one of the princely Landtagswahlen in Thuringia and Saxony.

»The past years were for the fallen people to be restored. Since the sending of “Volle Kanne”, is a vertrautheit and Ruhe in the Alltag, it is true that the herausfordernde nachrichtenflits are a fact, says Nadine Krüger, who has been moderating the sending – with the kurzer Unterbrechung – since the year 2009.

The »Volle Kanne« team has contacted the public: Fragen van Zuschauerinnen en Zuschauern – posted on Facebook – were featured in the live broadcast, including the Frühstücksgäste. I am bisherigen Jahr (between the 2nd of January and the 21st of August) schalteten im Schnitt 0,637 Millionen Menschen ein, was a Marktanteil von 15,1 Prozent entspricht – etwas more as im Gesamtjahr 2023 with damals 14,2 Prozent.

ARD hat Konkurrenz-Sendung legdet

Jährlich gibt is beef 250 Sendungen. »Volle Kanne« was free between 9.05 and 10.30 am – in the anschluss and the absence of ARD and ZDF production of the »Morgenmagazin«. If the Vormittagsmagazin is »Volle Kanne« in zwischen weitgehend konkurrenzlos – Ausnahme unter de großen Sendern ist »Sat.1-Frühstücksfernsehen«, dat bis 10.00 Uhr sentet.

With »Live nach Neun«, the ARD is one of the largest formats with »Volle Kanne« in history until the end of 2023 – but this war is being carried out by Jahren Schluss. The war between the ARD and the »Einsparungen in the linear program budget« is red, the power of the newspapers is aimed at the media library that is aimed at buying them.

»De Menschen jeden Tag aufs Neue in ihrem Leben abzuholen« – thus describes »Volle Kanne«-Moderator Florian Weiss, who himself with Krüger abwechselt, the »vielleicht grote Herausforderung« at »Volle Kanne«: »With all the things, that sie Beschäftigen – von der active nachrichtenlage über Gesundheitsthemen, Verbraucherschutz and Rechtsfragen, bis in zum Kochen, zur Gartenpflege and zum Self-care of the Möbel. Dazu is a prominent guest and has, for me, the best job in the world.«

Zum Inventar is one of the regular experts and experts – for example Armin Roßmeier and Mario Kotaska as chefs, Cynthia Barcomi as »Baking Queen« from Berlin, Ann-Kathrin Otto as interior designer, Mick Wewers as a craftsman or Christoph Specht as a media journalist.

Premiere in the Jubiläumsausgabe

Weiss – genauso wie Krüger 47 Jahre alt – ist since 2021 as Hauptmoderator dabei. Damals followed Ingo Nommsen, who lived for 20 years during the war in Düsseldorf. Our Jubiläumsausgabe am kommenden Freitag (30. August) delivered by the ZDF one Premiere: Then sollen Krüger and Weiss first time together with the Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer in the Düsseldorfer Medienhafen locateden »Volle Kanne«-Studio.

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