
Astro highlights in November: Eine Perlenkette from Mars, Mond and Jupiter

Astro highlights in November: Eine Perlenkette from Mars, Mond and Jupiter

Astro highlights in November
A Perlenkette of Mars, Mond and Jupiter

Now, that the Dunkelheit früher hereinbricht, bleibt more Zeit, the Sternenhimmel will enjoy. Die Milchstraße in front of the Kapelle Maria Königin near Mittenwald in Bavaria

Now, that the Dunkelheit früher hereinbricht, bleibt more Zeit, the Sternenhimmel will enjoy. Die Milchstraße in front of the Kapelle Maria Königin near Mittenwald in Bavaria

© Cyril Gosselin / Getty Images

While I see the typical Winter Tern in the Himmelszelt in the Bahn with Pegasus and Andromeda, funkeln for Mitternacht are the first beautiful Winter Tern images in the East. Dr. Mariana Wagner from the Planetarium Hamburg says the Blick zum Firmament is better

Nebelmond, Jupiter and the striking Herbstviereck

I started selecting Schauspiele am Nachthimmel in November. Once it is a good time, one of the formations out there, it is so that more and more branded items will appear.

Sitting on the deck, there is an inflated constellation on the hellish terns, which is W-shaped. It acts like one of the polarizing Sternbild Kassiopeia. If the zircon polarity is used, the functional formation will be present throughout the year. If you know you are not in Himmelspol, then your flight has not disappeared below the northern horizon. My little Spitze deuten in Richtung Polarstern, the hellsten Sterns in Sternbild Kleiner Bär. There is gold plating like Nordstern, which was not found in Nordpol des Himmels. It is not the case that the striking Herbstviereck comes from four stars of Pegasus and the sternenket from Andromeda-zusammensetzt. It is a little bit more in the West – not writ large in winter.

Nor is the Herbstviereck gut zu sehen. But the Wintersechseck is prominent in the Himmel

Nor is the Herbstviereck gut zu sehen. But the Wintersechseck is prominent in the Himmel

© Planetarium Hamburg

Schauen wir in Richtung Osten, gekommen wir an ersten Endruck des Abendhimmels der kommenden Jahreszeit. In winter, the firmament is among the rich and funky stars. In November I see Kapella in Fuhrmann, Aldebaran, the rote Auge des Sternbilds Stier, Beteigeuze and Rigel in Orion, like Kastor and Pollux in Zwillingen. If you spend the night with a schließlich on Sirius in the Big Dog, then the Tern is an unprotected Himmel and Prokyon in the Small Dog.

Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars

Die Planeten beet in diesem Monat manch schönen Anblick. Venus will never have a dish that is black in her Ruf as a more striking Abendstern, but she will never have a dish in the kitchen. Please note that this is your Abendsichtbarkeit. On November 4, we will be happy to welcome you to the Nachbarwelt Besuch von der Schmalen Mondsichel.

When Venus comes from heaven, Jupiter directs with the inclined gleam of the firmament. And that’s been all night long. The Riesenplanet photo will appear on November 17 with the fast, yet full Mond, a full-fledged duo. Signal “smaller brother” Saturn said in November nur nor in the first night and disappears to a helligkeit. Both ring planets see the Erdtrabanten in the night of 10. to 11. November as zunehmenden Halbmond.

Sehr maleisch ist der Himmelsanblick am 18. November gegen 23 Uhr. If you see a typical Winter Tern image, you see the spinning Mars and the Gas Giants Jupiter, which take the fast nor full Mouth in its center. The Trio from Mars, Mond and Jupiter impresses with a brilliantly stehende Perlenkette on the Firmament. Stay on the horizon and go to the hell Stern Sirius. Mars comes close to the planetary world during the night. Wir entdecken seinen Lichtpunkt nun schon in de frühen Abendstunden.

Herbstlicher “Nebelmond” with tern shells

Etwas früher, am 15. November, prangt der Novembervollmond as “Nebelmond” and unserem Himmel. The name comes from the early times, when the world of people was brighter, a calendar and modern times were a series of time spans and years of time. Understand who “Nebelmond”, “Schneemond”, “Erdbeermond” or “Erntemond” are associated with, was the human culture, which traditions they live and was introduced into the Verbindung by mouth.

Dr. Mariana Wagner is an astrophysicist as well as a music producer and worker at Planetarium Hamburg. Für beschreibt si monatlich, welche Highlights uns am Sternenhimmel erwarten.

Dr. Mariana Wagner is an astrophysicist as well as a music producer and worker at Planetarium Hamburg. Für beschreibt si monatlich, welche Highlights uns am Sternenhimmel erwarten.

© Wolfgang Kohler

So the end of the full world is allowed – the leader of the world will be in Leoniden tomorrow on November 17 as Maximum. There were many meteor showers that occurred during the meteor showers. If you are on dunklen land, there are 15 significant ternschnuppen in the stunde you need. Your scheinbare Ausstrahlungspunkt lies in Sternbild Löwen, Lateinische Leo. The most beautiful Frühlingstern image is the naming of the tern schnuppen and said that it was only after the Mitternacht in the month of November.

The Leonids stem from Kometen Tempel-Tuttle, the Spur from Staubteilchen dies Erdes year in November. The cosmic particles are tossed to and fro by everything in the Erdatmosphäre, where the tern shells are glühen, with an enormous magnitude. We have been patient and have been waiting for a long time to come, because of the Light of the Night, we will be happy with the Meteors between 13 and 30 November in Himmel.