
Swiss Life increases the Betriebsgewinn by 7% – noticeably high fee-earnings

Swiss Life increases the Betriebsgewinn by 7% – noticeably high fee-earnings

“I am very happy with our half-year result 2024,” says Matthias Aellig, Group CEO of Swiss Life. “We can leave the Fee Company with a lower construction and a Fee result value of 17%, which is a free enterprise at Swiss Life Asset Managers and Swiss Life Frankreich. Thanks to the great commitment to find the best way to transfer money and leave the holding company with the sick money transfers that have been affected, ebenso at Rückkauf von Aktien. If the equity and dividend payments are quoted, there is an unacceptable, unhealthy care and a compensation that puts an end to ambitious targets of CHF 850 ​​to 900 million to earn. »

Bereinigter Betriebsgewinn um 7% scaffolded – Fee-Ergebnis plus 17%
The Swiss Life-Gruppe has won a bet of CHF 883 Millions in Halbjahr 2024. There is a scaffolding of 7%. Der Reingewinn kam op CHF 632 Millionen zu stehen (HJ 23: CHF 630 Millionen). Cleans up a good performance in Halbjahr 2023 that set the Reingewins value at 7%.

Swiss Life is ready for the half year 2024, the Fee-Geschäft weiter ausbauen and the Fee-Erträge in local Währung a 7% on CHF 1.26 Billion. Costs are still high thanks to Swiss Life Asset Managers and Swiss Life Frankreich in 2023 in the local Währung by 17% at CHF 395 million.

The direct deposit rate is high at CHF 2.13 million (HY 23: CHF 2.05 million); the annual direct deposit rate was not at 1.5% (HY 23: 1.4%). Net deposits are expected at CHF 1.86 billion and the annual net deposits are 1.3% lower (HY 23: 1.2%).

The Prämieneinnahmen started in Halbjahr 2024 in local Währung with 3% at CHF 11.7 Billiarden.

The Bilanzgrösse Contractual Service Margin (CSM), can be rewarded, but does not earn any profit from the best insurance policy, paid as of June 30, 2024 CHF 15.3 million (December 31, 2023: CHF 15.4 million). In 2024, Halbjahr believed that the debt of the CSM in the history of CHF 618 million.

Weiteres Wachstum im Fee-Geschäft and beim Cash-Transfer
In the Switzerland The prices are approximately 1% at CHF 6.1 billion. These im teilautonomen Geschäft walteten Vermögen could have been increased to CHF 7.6 billion as of the end of June 2024 (year end 23: CHF 7.1 billion). The Fee-Ergebnis kam auf CHF 26 Millionen (HJ 23: CHF 27 Millionen) zu lie and the Segmentergebnis auf CHF 439 Millionen (HJ 23: CHF 448 Millionen). The cash transfer and the holding amount to 31% at CHF 699 million, based on the statutory data of both from Vorjahre. The Swiss market is no longer half of the money transfers and the group and the gross amount of the Wachstum.

In France Swiss Life increased its premium income by 11% to EUR 3.8 billion. The Lebengeschaft is imposing premium income on a 12% increase in a higher ante-taxed fixed-income solution (66%). The underutilization of previously granted debts is high on the remuneration of 28% on an amount of EUR 102 million. The segment has a value of 18% on EUR 192 million. The cash transfer and the holding amount to 15% on EUR 178 million.

In Germany the premiums were increased by 3% on 739 million euros. The compensation is only 2% on 77 million euros. The segment revenue went back by 2% on 113 million euros. The cash transfer is 7% on 101 million euros.

In the marketplace International has given the premium income a value of 6% on 1.31 billion euros. The fee income went back over 2% on 44 million euros. In return, the segment income could rise by 15% on 63 million euros. The cash transfer and the holding amount to 4% on 56 million euros.

Swiss asset managers for life insurance scaffolded in the first half year 2024 the Gesamterträge um 15% auf CHF 506 Millionen. The TPAM-Geschäft has a higher net value on the real estate projects of an investment project of CHF 329 Millionen (plus 14%). Die im TPAM-Geschäft verwalteten Vermögen erhten sich per Ende Juni 2024 op CHF 117 Milliarden (31.12.2023: CHF 112 Milliarden), wobei sich die Nettoneugeldzuflüsse im ersten Halbjahr 2024 op CHF 1,2 Miljarden geloofen (HJ 23: CHF 6,9 Billions). The segment is upgraded to 30% at CHF 154 million. The cash transfer costs 9% on CHF 239 million.

«Swiss Life 2024» by Zielkurs
Swiss Life is on its way with the corporate program “Swiss Life 2024”, all financial institutions of the group are erreichen or übertreffen. Bereits are heavily affected by Swiss Life, which has carried out the financing of money transfers and the holding company for the stock market of assets. The cash transfer and the holding agreement can amount to a value of CHF 3.4 million and a German value of CHF 2.8 to 3.0 billion. In addition, Swiss Life has purchased CHF 1.3 billion in its own assets since December 2021. The annual equity has gone up by 17.8% German to the equity in 2024 from 10 to 12%. Swiss Life also lies on the equity setting. While Swiss Life’s compensation remains unchanged, an end to CHF 850 ​​to 900 million in healthcare costs is set to allow for a new normalization of the real estate market in Germany and France worldwide.

The Swiss Life Group will have an SST quote of 205% as of June 30, 2024 (01.01.2024: 212%). Damit lies the Solvenzquote overhalb der strategic ambition from 140 to 190%.

Führungswechsel at Swiss Life Asset Managers
According to Erikson (54), effective April 1, 2025, the Group Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and CEO Swiss Life Asset Managers have started and have taken charge of the Konzernleitung. Stefan Mächler (64) followed, who had received his retirement at the end of May 2025 in another project and mandate of Swiss Life. According to Erikson since 2007 at Swiss Life and since 2015 by the Geschäftsleitung of Swiss Life Asset Managers. During this period, there have been various investments in the central department of the division within: There is a large part of the Fixed Income Area, war CIO in Germany and France, CEO of Swiss Life Asset Managers Deutschland. The active responsibility is an important real estate company. “According to Erikson, the Geschäftsfelder of Swiss Life Asset Managers knows his love: the gold-plated shares of the insurance company on the insurance balance sheet are based on the Drittkundengeschäft. It seems that I can win with one of the new acquaintances about the own position for the position,” said Group CEO Matthias Aellig.

“Stefan Mächler has the asset managers of the Group in the last year that they have been able to see much more”, says Matthias Aellig. «Stefan has done a deep research into the skills and analyses in ‹Real Assets». Thanks to the postponed Geschäftssinns and the Seiner Innovationskraft-konnte there is a new Geschäftsfelder-erschliessen. There is for the entire Group a strategic strategic management of asset management on the market as an established business enterprise. I thank Stefan for the names of the Administrative Councils and the Konzernlleitung who are herzlich for carrying out the Leistung-saus and his further unermüdliches Commitment.»

Photo by Erikson
CV Per Erikson

Investor Tag is December 3, 2024
Those who communicate with each other will be able to use the new strategic perspectives in the following investment programs at Swiss Life on Investorentag from 3 December 2024.

Telephone consultation for analysts and investors is specialized in the mid-market sector
At 9 o’clock (MEZ) financial analysts and investors found a conference call with Matthias Aellig, Group CEO, and Marco Gerussi, Group CFO, in English Sprache statt. This is a story about an audio webcast.

European Einwahlnummer: +41 (0) 58 310 50 00
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Um 11 Uhr (MEZ) found a Medienschaffende-virtuele Medienkonferenz with Matthias Aellig, Group CEO, and Marco Gerussi, Group CFO, in deutscher Sprache statt (Teilnahmelink). View the Halbjahresabschluss pages online at

The Swiss Life Group is a European company that is engaged in facilitating and financing financing. In the core markets of Switzerland, France and Germany, Swiss Life offers its own agents who are insurance partners with Makler and banks in a private and business management of a umfassende and individual Beratung, which offers a wide selection and own and partner products.

The advisors and advisors of Swiss Life Select, Tecis, Horbach, Proventus and Chase de Vere will offer the best-select answers for their suitable products on the market. Swiss Life Asset Managers open institutional and private institutions to provide access to asset management and asset management solutions. Swiss Life has established multinational companies with personal and high-net-worth private activities with structured production products.

The Swiss Life Holding AG with Sitz in Zurich was founded in 1857 in the Swiss Rentenanstalt zurück. The Swiss Life Holding AG Action is one of the SIX Swiss Exchange securities (SLHN). Our Swiss Life Group heard a variety of Tochtergesellschaften. The Group produces 10,000 employees and produces 17,000 employees and a business network.


Unternehmensfilm from Swiss Life

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This publication is specifically intended for the targeted expenses, such as these, the «glaube», «voraussetzen», «erwarten» or the most common begriffe. Make sure that you use in a targeted way natural activities with risks and risks, anxiety and many more factors that can do their work. These things that you can do, such as the ergebnisse, the business and the experiences of Swiss Life, which exist in German of the things, are explicitly or implicitly described in the last century. If you are aware of the consequences of the hinges, it is so that the prospects are completely adjusted, but it is not possible that this is solved. Weder Swiss Life is neither in its representation, Geschäftsführer, Führungskräfte, Mitarbeitenden or external Berater or other Persons, who are connected with Swiss Life or in any other other Verhältnis of your stehen, geben ausdrückliche or implicit Zusicherungen or Gewährleistungen bezüglich der Direction or plenitude in this publication enthaltenen Angaben. Swiss Life and the people generated have had the pleasure of autumn, which come directly or indirectly from the Weiterwendung of previous years. Please note that Swiss Life is not obliged to update the information provided in the Zukunft or to update its information or provide new information, such as honors, entwicklungs or additional information.