
Jobcenter Darmstadt uses the E-Mail zum Online-Portal

Jobcenter Darmstadt uses the E-Mail zum Online-Portal

The Jobcenter Darmstadt started on November 1 and is a new online portal.

Before digital communication, email could not be sent. The new Portal has become this nun.

Anträge online hochladen

Das Portal ermögliche es Kundinnen und Kunden, Anträge und Unterlagen online high. Communication with the Sachbearbeitern is more targeted and quickly possible, thus the Mitteilung of the Jobcenters.

Freischaltcode benötigt

The portal can be used on computers, tablets or smartphones. For registration there is a Freischaltcode, the Jobcenter Darmstadt erhältlich ist.

Alternative Communication Way

For people, the digital world is no longer useful for buying woolen clothing, but the job center offers more contact information by telephone or letter. The service is intended for all applications, both online and offline.