
Climate walking and One-Health in Focus of the G20

Climate walking and One-Health in Focus of the G20

Minister of Federal Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) never attends G20-Gipfel der Gesundheitsminister teil. /BMG, Heinl

Rio de Janeiro – With the One Health Ansatz, the People’s Minister of the G20 Länder wants to protect the climate and damn Public Health. So he is in one of the joint activities of the G20 Health Minister Conference in Brazil.

“Wir haben wenig Zeit den Klimawandel nor so abzubremsen, ass that not ganz gravierende Für die Weltgesundheit entstünden,” said Karl Lauterbach (SPD) about the Konferenz.

While the climate hike has not enjoyed such a generation for generations, the prosperity of humanity is an unmittelbar, so the Minister of Health with Hinblick on the flutcatastrophe in Spain and the fire that lives in the host country of Brazil.

The African Union has received more justice in the climate crisis. It is never the case that it is not possible to go to work. “Now that the creditworthiness of the global North is being damaged, there is discussion here” about a representation of the African Union. “Wir can no longer read or wait any longer. If One-Health is successful, we will act.”

One-Health describes the Ansatz, the well-being of people, Tieren and Ökosystemen helps me to hang other things. As one of the Hilfsmittel companies you implement, you can use a best practice diskette platform.

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Which decision is in the background of the conference will be decided in bilateral talks. “I am part of the global health organization and also affected by the conditions in Austria, because of the pandemic response nor decisions were made,” said Lauterbach.

A separation of ministers was a ‘spectacular catastrophe’, the man who did not survive the largest pandemic was in the Vorangegang.

Michael Ryan from the World Health Organization (WHO) regretted that everything was done by the pandemic that came along with him. This message does not come from the G20 statement, but from all 194 Member States of the WHO. The G20 state is on the 19th day of the industrialized and penny-pinching countries under the European Union. It is possible that the states of the southern and northern countries have their own business.

If the pandemic situation will expand, Lauterbach is one of the most important measures of the pandemic fund. “The money is being undermined by the best states in the world in the future of young people to the heritage and the absence of pandemics.” Deutschland has raised an amount of 50 million euros. 900 million euros are earned in the fund – Lauterbach has not yet earned 1.1 billion euros for the most recent Ausschüttung.

An important Errungenschaft is that the minister has done this, while Long COVID is included in the document in the Abschlussdokument, with dem Ziel de Versorgung and Forschung zu verbessern. Other themes of the Konferenz were the treatment of antibiotic-resistant patients and the Mpox-Ausbruch. An international coalition has emerged, a global production and innovation of therapy and diagnostics.

Klimaschutz in deutschen Gesundheitseinrichtungen

The Beschlüsse der Konferenz hätten Lauterbach is about Auswirkungen to Gesundheitspolitik in Deutschland. It is another story that the WHO funds have done their research or investigation into the Pandemic-Fund findings.

Legally binding on the Vereinbarungen der G20-Konferenzen alldings nicht. So the themes of Climate Walk and One-Health are not new at the G20 ministerial conference.

Bereits during the first general ministerial conference in Germany 2017 are actually the ministers who consider One-Health-Ansatz so important. A climbing walk can have a longer theme. In 2023, when the G20 is played by Ziel, Krankenhäuser, the powers will be resilient to the machine’s climate and the treibhausgase of reduction.

It is in Germany that the Hitzeschutz is a big issue, the Senkung von Emissions is less. Aktuell würden the emissions from these sectors are not systematically active, as Dorothea Baltruks, Leitung Wissenschaft und Politik at the Center for Planetary Health Policy (CPHP) dem Deutschen Ärzteblatt.

“Während Vale our Nachbarländer have clear strategies and souls for emissions reduction in the health sector, feels like a single joint strategy, a connecting souls and a work trip for future production of Mediterranean products and supplies,” criticized Baltruks.

If you adopt a common strategy, climate and mitigation policies are effective, sort and mitigate their impacts. After the Krankenhaus reform, the “Energy Efficiency and Air Conditioning Aspect” in the Krankenhaus plans is receiving increasing attention. Genaue Vorgaben were not authorized to do so. © mim/