
Trump accuses US-Sender CBS – more political Schachzug?

Trump accuses US-Sender CBS – more political Schachzug?

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are in favor of the Wahl on Stimmenfang. Trump sent an American channel. All information in news blog.

5 hours: We have informed US President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump of the US federal state of Nevada and Arizona. Both provide a jubilant support. The democratic Vizepräsidentin and the Republican love are a Kopf-een-Kopf-Rennen – and Nevada and Arizona can love the separated stimmen of Wahlleuten.

Harris has an explanation for Trump. The ex-president wants the Americans to split, said this. Aber sie setze auf Einheit: “We live so much more together.” For an attack that was Trump’s first attack on a Wahlkampfauftritt in Wisconsin, a woman was “schützen, who could not even do it anymore”. Trump said his wife’s freedom was no longer respectful, prompting Harris to move on.

Trump said it was an “American Traum zurückbringen”, that an “invasion” of America was caused by migrants and sagte, no one was so easy in the Vize-Amt with Harris. Zugleich is one of the impfgegner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with the “Gesundheit der Frauen” which he betrays.

4.30 am: Trump’s Vize candidate JD Vance has secured his contact with an interview with popular podcasters Joe Rogan. There are other people who have come to know young people in their history, we are for transgender people a way in which an elite American university is presented. Dagegen is no wonder, if Trump, among other things, won “normal Schwulen-Stimmen”. This criticism is that a woman has a “zelebrierten”.

4 hours: Pop icons Madonna hat on Instagram, as Kamala Harris likes. More photos were taken from the 66 years in the past city in the French Hauptstadt. If you have a beautiful outfit, with a big teddy bear in your arm, this is one or more elegant clothes in an art gallery.

In the Bildunterschrift die Sängerin wrote: “Paris has so fallen Spaß gemacht! Es war schwer, abzureisen, aber ich mustste nach Hause kommen, um zu wählen”. Look at the results of Kamala Harris as chairman of the Vereinigten Staaten.

3 hours: A new Wahlwerbespot, in the Schauspielerin Julia Roberts of the democratic presidential claim of Kamala Harris, which has been secured for Diskussionen in the US. Der Spot, produced by the Organization Vote Common Good, will be worth convincing more people. There are many women who have immersed themselves in Ehemänner’s political power, for Harris his impulses. Read more here.

1 hour: Donald Trump has received the reporting on the US-Sender CBS News. There is a media interview with the kontrahentin Kamala Harris who is manipulating the Democrats using their targeted document. Demnach fordert Trump zehn Billiarden US-Dollar Schadenersatz (etwa neun Md. Euro). If a player in Texas calls on the lime, then fall has become a conservative aimer. The follow-up results are considered light – it is probably a political matter that will act before the Präsidentschaftswahl on November 5.