
New launch: Food truck in Eisenstadt with Japanese specialties

New launch: Food truck in Eisenstadt with Japanese specialties

In the Tagen, which was a new food spot for the Einkaufszentrum in Eisenstadt, the Herzen Japan-Fans were probably higher. Be so happy with the Food Truck with Japanese cuisine – everything with everything.

EISENSTADT. I’m a man Einkaufszentrum zu, go directly to Geruch of the fruit rolls and the temperature shrimp in the nase. That’s fine Armin Rizvanovik and Pablo Parmas worrying about the Zubereitung von Onigiri specialized. The Japanese delicatessen shop bestht aus gepressstem Reis in Dreiecksform, a Algenblatt and a full nach Wahl. When filling, people can use Thunfisch, Lachs and Hähnchen wählen. Worse still: a vegetarian variant is offered, soft drinks are available at his expense. Thats healthy “Sandwich” It is ready to eat and can be served as a snack.

Here are Japanese Specialties, all for Onigiri, an. | Photo: Lisa-Marie Zehetbauer

Essen who in Japan

Rizvanovik and Parmas stem from the same name Japanson aus Viennasince a big destroyer of the Japanese Küche. Onigiri was the first Mal in Japan. Onigiri in Japan is probably, like the Schnitzelsemmel in Österreich, the most suitable for both men. If you have the power of the Urlaub power, the friend feels so in a place in Vienna, that the credible Japanese Speise is offered. “Wurden nicht fündig,” Rizvanovik summarizes. If you go one step further, die in Austria Bisher nicht so bekannte Delikatesse rezustellen itself.

A more comfortable start

For three years it is well done when the perfect art is executed. Best wishes for a wonderful friendship Eigenes Restaurant to clear. “If you have a stand, the ideas will work as quickly as possible,” says Parmas. Signal as a friend Food truck zum Purchase anbot, maybe that’s a nod to the Schicksals. Auch der Standort was quickly founded. Rizvanovik said: “I am a single minded center, a gibt es eine high Kundenfrequenz.” The Japanese Spezialität comes with the Kundinnen and Kunden revorragend and Das Duo must complete the complete File. The Food Truck hat of Mittwoch bis Samstag geoffnet.

Very interesting:

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Armin Rizvanovik and Paplo Parmas have a Japanese Food Truck in front of the Einkaufszentrum in Eisenstadt eröffnet. | Photo: Lisa-Marie Zehetbauer
Here are Japanese Specialties, all for Onigiri, an. | Photo: Lisa-Marie Zehetbauer


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