
Konstanzer Winterzauber & Weihnachtsmarkt am Bodensee, Marketing and Tourismus Konstanz GmbH, Story

Konstanzer Winterzauber & Weihnachtsmarkt am Bodensee, Marketing and Tourismus Konstanz GmbH, Story

Festful moments of the festive Christmas celebration, WinterSeeLeuchten, round 170 zauberhafte Huts and regional products from the Lake Constance Lake Region: The individual shapes of the huts in the Stadtgarten near the harbor near the Market Square will reveal the large Weihnachtsmarkt on Lake Constance with more and more romantic scenes November 28 to December 23 zum gemütlichen Flanieren and Geniuses one. The Christmas market in Konstanz with a spectacular low offer at the sea offers a unique atmosphere of music, traditional Christmas music, a Christmas feature film for children, up to 100,000 gift ideas from the Christmas Garden inland, with a funky light lake and a rundet das Angebot ab- enjoy a wonderful holiday and enjoy the feast for all the Swiss Lakes of Lake Constance and snow-covered Alpine mountain peaks…

SinImpuls on the Konstanzer Weihnachtsmarkt
Vom November 28 to December 23 Begeistert der Konstanzer Weihnachtsmarkt am See with festive atmosphere and lovely decorations Hütten von der Marktstätte entlang de Bodenseeufers bis in the Stadtgarten. And the Ständen gibt es Kunsthandwerk en Handel in Hülle und Full – Christmas decoration, Christmas decorations, Winter clothes, original Besonderheiten uvm Köstlichkeiten wie Schupfnudeln, Schweizer Stangenfondue, Käsespätzle, Punsch and Winzerglühwein provide for a warm and warm day s Rev. With the historical maps and the “Weihnachts-Wichtel-Dorf”, a game and play world for children, the Weihnachtsmarkt on the See is one of the best-known games for the joint family. Begleitet with the Besuch of traditional Christmas music of the Konstanzer Musikgruppen and Musikvereine. Die Gastronomy Check your default label 11am to 9:30pmdie Market huts von Sonntag bis Donnerstag from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m and am Freitag is Samstag from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. First time: This year’s Weihnachtsmarkt am See will be home to a colorful display of festive celebrations. There is a German farm on the first big Christmas market, on the Essen- and Getränkebereich also available.

Top Events, Adventsfahrten and Ruhige Stunden
On the Weihnachtsmarkt, the imposing Harbor Figures Imperia, one of the Wahrzeichen of Konstanz, have a great influence on the picturesque huts and the reflective shine on the Wasser. The Riesenrad and the SEA LIFE offer extra perspective and photo motivation. The historic Altstadt-lädt with its manly Gässchen z ußergewöhnlichen Shoppingerlebnissen provides informative amüsantenstadführungen through the StadtSchönheit ein. During the city event “Weird Nights in Constance”, the Konstanzer Kaufmannspaar Teilnehmer: explore the winter-like Treiben and learn about Weihnachtlich Traditions. Zusätzlich wird die Stadtführung „Zauber der Rauhnächte – Konstanz & der Jahreswechsel“. Romantic adventures on the bottom of Lake Constance, the beautiful landscape below, great experiences in the Bodensee-Therme Verringen, on Entdeckungsreise on the Blumeninsel Mainau gehen and the many fascinating museums, galleries as well as wonderful concerts to visit. In the baked and festive season it is the ideal place for real ghosts.

Tip 1: Christmas garden in Insel Mainau
Vom November 19 to January 6 You walk along the Insel Mainau after the sunrise in a magical Christmas world, which you can admire: on a route through fascinating Illuminations and funky Lighter Lakes. Weihnachtlich huts with a high temperature are great specialties run by Angebot ab. You can find maps at

Tip 2: Adventsfahrten der BSB

The Advent events of the BSB take place November 29 to November 22 with a relaxing round of beef in a festive atmosphere. When a sign appears, the starfish and the white winter landscape become geniuses.

Tip 3: Queen on Tour
Ben Freitag, December 6, At 6 p.m., Unterhaltungsfans on the MS “Sonnenkonigin” will enjoy an excellent 4-course dinner from MO Catering. Nina Fleisch’s life has begun with longevity, pushing Chris Kiliano Herzen’s unintentional Luftakrobatikshow to new heights. While the daredevil figures in the Luftring are performed by Natalia Vorona, you will see the contact art of Eliza Ruppel and the sinful tanz art of Aaliya Zhoura in Staunen. Tickets are available online.

Tip 4: Konstanzer Winterspezial

The Pauschallangebot „Konstanzer Winterspezial“, which includes two overnight nights including fun and enjoyment gifts as well as a well-being and experience program bis 16. März 2025 for warm winter moments. Einfach eintauchen und die Seele baumeln welding…

Event highlights (Auswahl)

  • Shopping with the Lieblingsmenschen | 1.10.24 – 31.3.25
  • Winter special | 1.10.24 – 16.3.25
  • Christmas garden on the Insel Mainau | 19.11.24 – 6.1.25
  • Konstanzer Weihnachtsmarkt am See | 28.11. – 23.12.24
  • Konstanzer Weihnachtsschiff | 28.11. – 23.12.24
  • Advent Days of the BSB | 29.11. – 22.12.24
  • Stadtführung: Weihnachtszauber in Konstanz | 1.12. / 8.12. / 15.12. / 22.12.24, sun tags at 11 a.m
  • MS “Sonnenkönigin”: Königin on Tour – Entertainment & Dinner Show on Lake Constance | 6.12.24 at 6pm
  • Advent Concert of the Konstanzer Kammerchors | 7.12.24 7.30 pm
  • Stadtführung: Zauber der Rauhnächte – Konstanz & der Jahreswechsel | 27.12. / 28.12. / 29.12.24 / 4.1. / 6.1.25 am 4.30 pm
  • The Riesenrad am See & SEA LIFE