
John Neumeier: Bundesjugendballett braucht Reichweite | – Kultur – Bühne – theaterberichte

John Neumeier: Bundesjugendballett braucht Reichweite | – Kultur – Bühne – theaterberichte

Status: 17.10.2024 15:13 Uhr

The Star Choreographer who is on the Zeit at the Hamburg Ballet is still not a hand full with his music. NDR Kultur is a spark of life in Houston and Hamburg and the Leidenschaft für den Tanz.

by Peter Helling

During the 1985 years in July as director of the Hamburg ballets with a large pump was performed, it has now become a clear picture. The Bundesjugendballett said you can perform his work with “Im Aufschwung XVI” at the Hamburger Ernst Deutsch Theater. NDR Kultur hatte die Opportunity, in seinem Haus zu interviewen.

Herr Neumeier: Sincerely absent from Hamburg Ballett since three monate performances. Who can do this? Did man end up in a Loch or is man a bit strange?

Johannes Neumeier: I did my work at the Ballett-Tagen of the Meiner Compagnie-verabschiedet. Then I first had a course, a series of events and work in Houston, then the Festival in Baden-Baden, three weeks ago: “The World of John Neumeier”. Whatever the case with the Glück, not when the Hamburg Ballet came close to the Joffrey Ballet of Chicago was there a toll war. They were three weeks full of ballet performances. I have had great luck, in my life I have fallen into Loch zu. I don’t have a break and war with other projects. I’m a Grunde who has a good time in front of a Loch.

Jetzt is a direct look at the premiere of the Bundesjugendballetts. In der 16. Ausgabe von “Im Aufschwung” said that it is a new talent, a new talent. Who has guessed the Bundesjugendballett where? It is an interesting new Krafte, new Ausdrucksformen veldleicht.

Neumeier: It is the principle of the Bundesjugendballetts, which is new all year round. It is thought of the time after the use of talented tanzeresses and tanzers, who have never undergone classical training, but go a step further towards creditworthiness. All two years are new people, it is up to par.

Schön ist yes auch die Zusammenarbeit with the Hamburger Kammerballett. Because the best of the years has come to Ukraine, the dancers and the tanzers have fled, the ballet has become emotional on the stage.

Neumeier: Yep, when we found tolls that fall, we got some Krankheitsfall hats. Dann hated the idea, the two companies that together form a work for the Ernst Deutsch Theater voor machen. It is a truly human, socially important project that Edvin Revazov is with the power of the group.

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Young tanzers and tanzers are focused on a guitar - in the background of a guitar and an e-guitarist with instrument. © Presse Bundesjugendballett Photo: Silvano Ballone

Immer im Herbst presents das Ballett in Hamburg seine new Generation des Tanznachwuchses in der Reihe “Im Aufschwung”. more

Edvin Revazov is the first preisträger of John Neumeier-preses for choreography, who spent all two years. Revazov hat mir zählt, who are Ballett erarbeitet hat: a Referenz to Mark Twain’s “Die Abenteuer des Tom Sawyer”, and the title “The Hills We Climb” is a reference to the poem by Amanda Gorman, was also due to the guidance of Joe Biden spren hat. Is it a clear reference to America of heute and stern?

Neumeier: Yes, that’s true. I would see that it would be easier for those who Revazov would have to cope with in a completely different medium. So it is true that literature is not worth that much. It’s not that the man looks at a page or a chapter by a chapter, that’s what he or she illustrates, whatever we find, for all the emotional moments from the work being done and that it’s like that, it’s a bit and with a lot of emotion in Tanz übersetzt, in Bewegung übersetzt. Darüber bin ich wirklich sehr glücklich.

A part that is on stage plays a major role. This is a description of a game. Pirates play in Mississippi, but can reach a limit. Das Stück discussed with great enthusiasm Themen wie Rassismus, Ausgrenzung, also Themen unserer Zeit. It is inspired, I am happy with my work, but we are also treated about the theme of friendship. It’s a moment where we both sit together and sit down and another puts the others’ arm on the Schulter.

Neumeier: Yes, there is an emotional feeling that makes the picture clear.

When I see “The Hills We Climb,” this is a political issue. What about the situation at the time of the US presidential election?

Neumeier: It’s not like it’s a bigger nervous breakdown. If it is not possible to think at all, you can take a critical look at the results of your search. Ich tue alles, it was ich kann, that Kamala Harris won this Wahl.

They have many friends in the US. Would you like to know whether you can use this terrible Spaltung during the Freundeskreis? Or is your company a large group?

Neumeier: No, I don’t know anyone rooting for Donald Trump.

Once you get through the three months, the Bundesjugendballett is nothing more than an Angegliedert Ballettzentrum. Jetzt de Kooperation mit de Ernst Deutsch Theater. What about the situation?

Neumeier: Yes, that’s me. I don’t have Wahl. When I discovered that Isabella Vértes-Schütter’s intention would change the situation, there was never again a supervisor of the Bundesjugendballetts. With my idea, with the Ernst Deutsch Theater together with the Arbeiten, war een wirklich toller Vorschlag. And what is it, this Gruppe, which is so agile that power is not for the Tanz nicht, is part of the social Reichsweite hat. What is it, that’s better and it hasn’t been that way in my life.

You may be contacted further in Hamburg. It’s very hot and it’s energy. That’s spüre ich. Thanks for the conversation.

Das Gespräch führte Peter Helling.

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John Neumeier, never hesitate to listen to the tone, on the stage Applaus entgegen, während es Konfetti regnet. © Kiran West

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NDR Culture | Der Vormittag | 17.10.2024 | 11:40 am

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