
Reichsbürger has a child and youth feeling in the früheremhotel

Reichsbürger has a child and youth feeling in the früheremhotel

Seiffen. More than 30 police officers have used the hotel in Seiffen im Erzgebirgskreis Ahornberg taken in the Deutschneudorfer Straße in Visier. The rays started in the morning one day in the morning. If you appeal to persons in such a way, a Beschlüsse verschiedener Amtsgericht from the Bundesgebiet is to be used.

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Bereits gefunden have an age of 16, the Amtsgericht Ulm is one of the most important roads that the Schulgesetz verhängt hatte. The Beamten brought the Jugendliche into a Saxon Justizvollzugsanstalt unter. If you follow the 17 years of the Amtsgericht in the Rhenish Kerpen with a “protection grounds for ingewahrsamnahme”, this is a lie. After 56 years, a victim was killed in Seiffen, which could result in a police attack or a fine of more than 1,300 euros after a violation and thus prevents the completion of the attack.

Since the beginning of October, the Polizists have been in the Ahornberg Hotel and have been there since a missing child was left behind, the children lived there after the arrival of a local court in Lower Saxony. Seine Mutter has fallen by the Reichsbürgerszene and.

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Read more after that Anzeige

The Gebäude in Seiffen war dem Verfassungsschutz in July 2023 of a Group built, which themselves as Indigenous People of the Germanites bezeichnet. After a report from the free press, the new country is both German and both Niederländer. Die Verfassungsschützer schreiben in ihrem Jahresbericht 2023 von „fun, nicht in Sachsen reported Persons“. The hotel, the beautiful Grundstück and a camping site in Seiffen are available.

15 Persons in Sachsen der Gruppe zugerechnet

The Saxon Verfassungsschutz ordnet die 2010 gründete Gruppe der Reichsbürger- und Selbstverwalterszene zu. It’s a nice party in Hauptsitz, “meer Missionen und das Hotel Ahornberg as Schulungsort“. In Saxony, the Group runs 15 people, they are in the message. In 2023, the German battle began at a camp for the new Mitglieder in Nünchritz in the Meißen district.

Already in June, a year after a penalty of two years and eight months, neglected Moritzburger Ärztin Bianca W., who made 1,000 false mistakes during the corona pandemic, who can prepare for her high-risk trials, dies Indigenous People of the Germanites. Reichsbürger and Selbstverwalter abolish the existing infringement on the Federal Republic of Germany and abolish the legal system.

Beim jüngsten Einsatz in Seiffen stieß die Polizei zudem auf einen 64-Jährigen, der von Justicebehörden in Frankfurt/Oder roads more diversely known. A fine of more than 8,000 euros has been earned, which will first fall in the Freitag. There entkam so seiner Verhaftung. If you look at an internet page, you will see that Germanites as Nachfahren der Germanen, more concretely as Ureinwohner Frieslands.