
Omas Tricks for fresh and better bets!

Omas Tricks for fresh and better bets!

Add a white bag to the washcloth and remove the washing machine. Der Geruch changes the wind through the full-fledged Trocknen, after the wax has done a miraculous miracle. Natron, a couple of Wundermittel, his sisterätzlich for Frische. Two Esslöffel Natron, immediately wash them, help, neutralize ungenerous Gerüche and stop the Fasern geschmeidig.

2. Direction of washing and manipulation

Often the temperature is too low for the correct washing temperature. Wähle bei Baumwollbettwäsche mindestens 60 Grad, een alle Bakterien, Schmutz und Milben gründlich zu entfernen. Higher temperatures help warm up, heart-warming washings, the textiles can be carried out properly.

Auch das Trocknen is divorced. Grandma enjoys air travel in the free. When the laundry grows a little longer, the fresh airspace no longer hangs like a herrlichen Duft, when the wind blocks the Fasern, soda the laundry of all other worlds. When you no longer use laundry, you should spin the drum eight times at a lower temperature and lower it at the end of the program. So if you prevent the Fasern and, you will notice that Hitze becomes bruchig.

3. Bügeln for the last Schliff

Bügeln may im ersten Moment who erscheinen an unnoticed Schritt, aber es can the separated Unterschied machen. Glatte, gebügelte Bettwäsche fühlt sich nur luxuriöser an, sie was made by the Prozess auch tatsächlich weicher. If you are the best with the bet, it is still not a problem. The gloss is good and there is a small amount of irritation.

A smaller extra tip: Give some tropical herbal oil, with lavender or eucalyptus, in the Bügelwasser. It is one of the best choices for fresh air and a solution for a living environment in the Schlafzimmer, that is the Aufenthalt in a Luxus hotel.

Please try again – you will know the facts so well and enjoy your night with the pleasure of hotel business!

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