
Spende-Marathon und der Uniklinik Bonn

Spende-Marathon und der Uniklinik Bonn

Halloween is one of the best things you can do if you spend a year doing something fun. If the “real Blutsauger” is involved in pharmaceutical studies at the Uni Bonn, this will probably be the case with the Vampire-Cup in collaboration with the Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB). They are woolen so that people can motivate their broke money.

“Die letzten Wochen has learned to stay motivated if you are an Ansprechpartner for the spender for Ort ist,” says Pharmacy student at Marleen Mehring. Together with Katharina Baulig, Phillip Kinzle and Aram Arouch, the Vampire-Cup has found the largest organization. If you have found a sponsor, Instagram website and plaque in the institute of the University of Bonn, it may have turned out to be a lot of young people. “I didn’t do anything years ago, so it’s not like it’s worth making the Ansporn nor tender bigger,” said Katharina Baulig.

The Vampire Cup is a lawbewerb of the pharmaceutical industry of non-university universities, founded by the Bundesverband der Pharmaziestudierenden (BPhD), while another person puts an end to all expenses. There is no gain for the families. The organizing team confirms: “It’s a good idea, people to spend their profits to pieces” if it lasts longer. The law is a friendly endeavor and people are worried. Gerade de Fachschaften, who zum first Mal mitmachen, is the man from the organization that is involved in bringing together Zoom Meetings.

For my studies, the study in Bonn sucked and took longer in the active sector. Spent money, that the organizational team has a lot of friends over the first time in the past years and may now also spend more time with others who fear. “Viele couples are in love with each other, the man will fall away, the man can come back and stay there and will be well looked after,” said Kinzle.

„Commt spend money, live a better life“ – or who?

Teilnehmen können all gesunden Menschen im Alter from 18 to 68 years (Erstspendende bis 60 Jahre) – so that the provisions for the Blutspendende are inherited. These can be done in one of the spending audits on the UK website. Because the expenses are a man from UKB a financial company. If you have the Vampire Cup power, you can create a winnspiel with local prizes from the sponsor registration. This is a gift for the Beispiel Freikarten for the GOP Varieté-Theater. First spenders can naturally bring their Blutgruppe information about the Bluts and their Bluts to the right value. “It’s a simple Sache, but it’s super heavy,” Kinzle said.

Expenses for the fire-fighting service on the Venusberg Campus can be paid in installments. Möglich since Blutspenden-montags from 7.30 am to 12 noon; working days to donnerstags from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as free days from 7.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Der Wunschtermin can consult the free UKB-Blutspendende-App, contact the Hotline by telephone 0228 287 14780 (reichbar Montag bis Freitag from 8.30 am to 2 pm) or by e-mail [email protected] vereinbart.