
Biden-Team made a transcription after “Müll”-Aussage

Biden-Team made a transcription after “Müll”-Aussage

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Einziges-sorgt in de US-Wahlkampf voor erhitzte Gemüter. Biden’s “Müll”-Aussage über Trump-Unterstützer will be illegally processed.

Washington, DC – US President Joe Biden is lying about an attack on the US president and President Donald Trump. Who dies Associated Press (AP) messages, soll a Transkript eines Telefonats or Democrats of Mitarbeitenden des Weißen Hauses changes bein. In the conversation in which Biden insulted the Anhänger von Trump as ‘Müll’.

Wahlkampf in the US - Biden
Biden’s Team hat has a spicy Aussage in a Transkript-verändert. © Manuel Balce Ceneta/dpa

Schlappe vor US-Wahl for the Democrats: Biden bezeichnet Trump-Anhänger as “Müll”

A comment has been made about Biden in a racist way that comedian Tony Hinchcliffe has taken. When a Wahlkampf-veranstaltung of Trump in New York is one of the most popular statements in more and Puerto Rico. There is a lot of criticism of Trump’s Wahlkampf team – there is no racist comment and no apology.

Biden says he is dealing with the Voto Latino organization, which is a einsetzt, a late American human being who moves his Wahl: ‘Der lone Müll, de draußen herumschwimmen sehe, since seine Anhänger – seine – seine Dämonisierung der Latinos is gewissenlos and unamerican. “

De Strafe für de bissigen Commentary follows. Tech billionaire and sycophantic Trump supporter Elon Musk wrote on his Kurznachrichtendienst X that Biden “halb Amerika” if Müll bezeichnet habe. If you feel a relationship with the comments and boundaries of the Circle of your congregations, nocturnal persons. “Last has the hasty rhetoric in Puerto Rico, the Trumps are hanging in the fray in Madison Square Garden, when they are much better,” the president wrote on X.

“Interpretationsunterschiede” – Weißes Haus streicht Biden-Aussage voor der US-Wahl

From the telephone with Voto Latino hatte the White House with a copy available. Now that I’ll be back in the future, I’ll be writing a separate report. Anyone who has an email to the stenographers’ offices of the white houses and AP If so, we would like to use the English language “Supporter” (from German: Unterstützer) in the future and continue with the Apostrophe. If the Aussage of Bidens brisanten Satz is insofern changed, if there is no Trumps Unterstützer, the Aussage will be like “Müll” bezeichnet hat.

The office of the Weißen Haus nun “een Beinträchtigung der Integrität der Abschriften zwischen der Stenografie- und der Pressestelle” vor. It is best that the law is correct, and that the translation is correct. A written translation is not applicable. (nhi)