
Commentary on a Straffreiheitsgesetz from 1954 · Leipziger Zeitung

Commentary on a Straffreiheitsgesetz from 1954 · Leipziger Zeitung

End-phase verbrechen: As a conclusion, “… nationalsocialist verses…, which were started in the last weeks and monates of the Zweiten Weltkrieges were started… understandings.” Zweiundneunzig Orte des Massenmordes der Faschisten genau umfast jene Liste, die nennt een Lexikon. Leipzig is Darunter, Chemnitz, the little Bad Schmiedeberg. “… in the context of the criminal prosecution of the Germans and Austria after 1945 …”, read more.

Germany after 1945? Aber Welches Denn? There were only two of them? Or three. Or four? Denn die Saar en der Osten, der real, ehemalige, unter “polnischer Verwaltung” stehende, der good, der liebe alte Osten … Yes, was nun?

That was the first Blick that was deprived of the Straffreiheitsgesetz of July 17, 1954 by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat on July 17, 1954, when the Bundestag and the Bundesrat had to go to war – also in Boden, West Germany. Here was the last part of the war that lasted the practical war: Braune Juristen halves in their Gesinnungsgenossen. I am also correct. Correcting is only a matter of convenience, but it is important to do so. Wow? After the internet lexicon offered!

Me, too. Answer from Wikipedia: “ruckgängig”

If you know that the majority of lawyers in the young Federal Republic are convinced that the end of Hitler’s fascism existed, it was still not celebrated before the 1960s that it was the wise and eight-hundredth lawyer, who thus battered the brutal NS-Sondergerichten princes, orders of service (Braunbuch, S.116; Müller 2014, S.258f)). Schauen we in den Gesetzestext from 1954, Paragraph sechs: „Für Penalties, which under the Einfluß der außergewöhnlichen Verhältnisse des Zusammenbruchs in the period between 1. October 1944 and the 31. July 1945 in the Annahme einer Amts-, Dienst-oder Rechtspflicht, in particular aufgrund eines Befehls, began to become since, wird … Straffreiheit gewährt, wenn don’t get used to this after the signal or Einsichtsfähigkeit war, the punishment zu unterlassen …”

Was voor een Zumutung-demnach, een Mord zu unterlassen! In the commentary of the Gesetz, which was written by Herrn Ministerialrat Dr. Elmar Brandstetter, Bonn, was appointed Oberfeldrichter at the Oberkommando des Heeres, became one of the “Einfluß der außergewöhnlichen Verhaal van de Zusammenbruchs” an “unhelle Verwirrung aller Vorstellungen über Rechtsordn” ung, Rechtigkeit and mensschlichkeit “anzunehmen ist (Brandstetter 1954, page 87).

Und der sozialdemokratische Abgeordnete Dr. Klaus Dieter Arndt speaks with the result of a “Gewissensnot” of the Täter (Brandstetter 1954, S.89). A perfidious psychopathology of the Mordbrennerei, which began on October 1, 1944, did not begin again – began on January 30, 1933!

Titelblad Brandstetter: Straffreiheitsgesetz. Photo: Authors archive
Titelblad Brandstetter: Straffreiheitsgesetz. Photo: Authors archive

It’s a fact. Answer from Wikipedia: “Keine Verbesserung des Artikels”

This vocabulary is also extremely entrenched. There is no “Sogenannt” who has the Wikipedia-beschämenden Floskel, who in his legal history electronic publications on a Kapitelüberschrift in a Urteilssammlung aus dem 1968 zurückgeht. If ob sie heute noch gültig were true!

Ob this isn’t that good yet? And ob sie noch gültig ist! There are some systematic – legal wohlgemerkt! – Have you asked a question about your question in vereinten Deutschland? Night and night, you will be able to enjoy the “End Phases” in the Neuenzehnhundertneunzigern, baked light, unbehelligt and pensionsgeichert ein.

Zusammenbruch and Endphase – der Nazi-Helfer-Sprech can also be regarded as legal Terminus. If we are the German Kriegs-deutschland, there is now a Gemeinsames Deutschland, but a Nachkriegs- und Kriegstüchtigkeits-Fantasie-fantasy of politics, the barest of which is Vorkriegsdeutschland.

An irrendwie dämmert es mir: The black soße of chauvinism and militarism has so far been a no-brainer to the often unsuccessful messages of German cuisine. The fantasy of a free-democratic European Parliament in the Heute-Show of its own Volkssturmtauglichkeit, the Berliner Morgenpost ‘heizt den Russen ein’, a ehemaliger Außenminister will Russia ‘niederkämpfen’, während een seinesgleichen, a befreundeter, durchs Land reisend Apotheosen über Nazi collaborators spread, they fell so soon in the country themselves in Schweigen hüllen. And: Welcher Jude can lead a religious life, nor a transgression in the Straße style?

Nor was it not the case that the taste did not come to the Ruhe: Paradoxer antizipiert de Nennung ostdeutscher Städte unter dem Artikeleintrag de Beitritt der GDR zur BRD a Jahrzehnte, war die Rechtsordnung damals drüben another as hüben. Are you also concerned about the history of history?

There are abermals. Answer from Wikipedia: “Revert”

Reflection, Problems with packaging – weit gefehlt. There is a teutonic Arroganz that has appeared in the Verstandskästlein: nämlich the critical criticism. So the Starrheit der änderungsresistanten Lexikon-Administrators will appeal to the Dialogunfähigkeit in our country. The dialogue puts the look in the mirror, on the glass, strengthens itself.

I’m up. Reporting from Wikipedia ohne mein Zutun: “On the last version of (…) zurückgesetzt.”

While the Federal Republic increased in size in 1998, one of the state-oriented des Volksgerichtshofes, which left the “Endphase”, which was not yet ended in 2002, one of the Kriegsgerichtssurveillances that were Kriegsdienstverweigerer and Deserteur, who entered the battle iheitsgesetz jedenfalls nie for an unacceptable experience, which my diesel company and the like own.

The dialogue with Wikipedia has brought much more. Das Lexikon is right. Das braune Erbe is dumped in our fortress. Ein Lichtblick, de zeitgenössische Rezension eines Tübinger Professors zu Brandstetters Comment: “These are the reasons for their work to become clearer and more practical for the future of Amnesty.”

Brandstetter, Elmar: Straffreiheitsgesetz 1954. Commentary. Berlin and Frankfurt aM: Verlag Franz Vahlen GmbH. 1954 (Anm.: The text in the text is written in a separate document with the title: “Aus Urteilen über den Kommentar von Ministerialrat Brandstetter zum Amnestiegesetz von 1949” entnommen.)

Braunbuch. Kriegs- und Naziverbrecher in der Bundesrepublik. Hrsg.: National Council of the National Front of the Democratic Republic of Germany. Documentation Center for the GDR State Archives Administration. Berlin: Staatsverlag der GDR. 1965.

Müller, Ingo: Furchtbare Juristen. The unhindered demise of the German Justiz. Berlin: Tiamat-Verlag. 2014.