
Polizei im Kreis Cloppenburg und Vechta: Verkehrsunfälle, Einbrüche und Urkundenfälschung

Polizei im Kreis Cloppenburg und Vechta: Verkehrsunfälle, Einbrüche und Urkundenfälschung

Einbrecher haben in Cloppenburg und Löningen zugeschlagen en Elektroartikelen also stohlen Bargeld. In Vechta there was a police report on the fall of Urkundenfälschung. The Täter can also be used at leisure.

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Molbergen/Cloppenburg/Löningen/Vechta – If there is traffic congestion on the Matrumer Straße in Molbergen, three people will be lost. After the police arrived at 11:20 a.m., a 56-year-old police officer was leaving the road to the Matrumer Straße. The fact is that first a car comes out of the car that came from the Wangerland 38 years ago. When the sisters come together, both will bring autofahrer and a 59-year-old befahrer from the sogel into the asylum. The Schäden and the Autos bought the Polizei for an amount of 24,000 Euro.

You can visit the Sankt Andreas kindergarten on the Fröbelweg in Cloppenburg. Laut Polizei wurde die Tat zwischen Mittwoch, 30. October, 19 Uhr, en Freitag, 1. November, 7 Uhr, verübt. The Einbrecher device has placed a desk on an extensive electrical item.

Einbrecher since lived in Löningen in a Einzelhandelsgeschäft on the Meerdorfer Straße. Nach Angaben der Polizei geschah die Tat zwischen Donnerstag, 31. October, 12 noon, and Freitag, 1. November, 8.30 am. Die Täter has an einen-zugang and is connected to the Verkaufsräumen a large Summe Bargeld.

Alcohol is present in the kitchen at Zwei Fällen in Cloppenburg in the Spielgewas. At 2 o’clock I am in the street “On the hook”, a 25 year old car driver with an alcohol content of 1.3 per mille. The Führerschein and the Fahrzeugschlüssel des Cloppenburgers would be safe. A 30-year Cloppenburger stürzte am Samstag gegen 7.50 Uhr with signal Farrad on the Emsteker Straße. Sows hate their lives, so die Polizei. Der Alkoholste ergab a Wert von zwei Permille. Dem Mann has a Blutprobe assignment.

This ship arrived in Molbergen on Samstag at 11 o’clock. The Vorfahrt a 41-year-old Pkw-Fahrerin aus Cloppenburg, the that Stedingsmühler Straße befuhr, übersah a 56-year-old aus Cloppenburg, that aus the Straße “Am Waldeck” comb. While the Zusammenstoß the 41-year old also a 38-year old Mitfahrerin leichtz. The Sachschaden and the Autos give the Polizei about 9000 Euro.

Two lost persons and a loss of 15,000 euros are the bilanz eines traffic accidents at 12.30 pm in Ermke. The police carried out a mission to take over the Ostrings in a car factory from Lindern that had put Alten Pkw-Fahrers from Lastrup on Brinkstraße under war for 20 years. It may be that the accident loser and the 29-year-old Beifahrer from Lindern have a slight disability and ins Krankenhaus-gefahren.

The Samstagform has been used by the police in Vechta as a matter of safety and security law. A 43-year-old Mann from Vechta drives a Pkw in Driver Straße. Am Pkw were Kennzeichen brought, that niece zu diesem Pkw heard. Thus, the Siegel (Hauptuntersuchung und Zulassungssiegel) were fälscht. The utilized Pkw war no longer consisted of sucking welds and not of light diversification. The Kennzeichen would be safe. The Weiterfahrt wouldn’t work. At 11:15 a.m., a 26-year-old man begins a fall with a non-versicherten and zugelassenen Pkw in Kolpingstraße. Der Mann has brought a kennzeichen or a Siegel from Osnabrück am Pkw. If these Kennzeichen no longer use the Pkw. While the Amtsgericht the enforcement of a security leistung angeordnet, da der Mann in Deutschland über keinen festen Wohnsitz versügt. The Weiterfahrt could be removed here.

A break is reported at the police at Samstag in Vechta. Zwischen 15 und 19 Uhr stiegen unbekannte Täter in der Goethestraße in ein Einfamilienhaus ein. You can enjoy a terrace garden. Die Täter erbeuteten Schmuck und Bargeld.