
Speisewagen im Zug: Zum Dahinschmelzen

Speisewagen im Zug: Zum Dahinschmelzen

In a fondue in the Speisewagen of the Schweizer Bahn. If you can’t live with it, you can’t live without it, especially if you live in the 80’s interior – nor!

Uniform in vintage: Die Vliege eines SBB-Speisewagen-Mitarbeiters

Manchmal erhascht one of the glück ganz überraschend and then nor in a moment of frustration. Abends in Dortmund passes the Anschlusszug. Doesn’t that man even get away, to Norddeutschland? Schnell an alternative like, ah, der EC 6 fährt gleich, Interlaken Ost–Hamburg-Altona.

Eingestiegen, Hunger spürt, de Speisewagen gesucht und beim Betreten sofort hellwach gewesen, supporting dagestanden: Wow! Was for a riesiges Zugrestaurant! And the instruction, so aimed at Achtziger with Chromstangen, schwarzen Ledermöbeln, eight hufeisenformigen 5er-Tischen and eight 2er-Tischen, insgesamt 56 Sitzplätze. “The great Speisewagen Europas”, said the waiter with the Shield of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) over the Herzen, my Staunen noted that and guessed at his elegant art and a fresh white Tischdeck on one of the Tisch flights. Our fabric!

Even with a spare car, you will always have a great time. We will continue to make a travel art for a long time, but it is no longer worth it. You can do it well, you can have a Speisewagen, a Speisewagen can deliver a smooth ride, even if it was freshly bought, war is not ruined by the Spülmaschine, it is not easy to do so, roads are still small – who used to work so often on the Deutschen Bahn – now Pappgeschirr to chatter.

Speisewagen-Journalismus is its own genre inzwischen, Hauptakteur meist der etwas angejahrte Speisewagen der tschechischen České Dráhy in Eurocity Swiss (Hamburg–)Berlin and Prague, of the people so genannte Knödelexpress, weil es dort Knödel with Braten and Soße gibt. If you have gone through the modern Speisewagen in the summer, in Denmark and others, you can incur more costs, more Speisewagen-Journalists and -Liebhaber on the Schweizer EC 6 ausweichen, then you have to worry about the Speisewagen-so-schön-wie -früher -Erlebnis noch.

End of life cycles

Although it was only a few years ago that the Kellner was no longer working, the Wagon of the type WRm was completely replaced by the SBB paving: There was a “life cycle hint”. WRm, the WR- stands for Wagon-Restaurant, the small one for “Wagenlänge über Puffer mehr as 24.5 Meter”, with the press of the SBB nachreicht.

This text comes from the Wednesday. Our weekly newspaper from the left! When the woman is in the world, it is – and it is good. A link to a home with stimulation, halt and the other way to look at the world. Jeden Samstag is new in the kiosk and of course in the Abo.

Who has more damage, is the most of the interior. So well-behaved, so stimmig. Nirgend two demonstrate the Achtziger, it is an architectonic and the time for his true, wiederentdeckt zu werden. If the Swiss one – of the rights of the right-wing populists – the ground of his knowledge has received, it was so that the WRm could no longer change and would take longer before the Streckennetz geschickt were. Especially in Germany, where the zahnarztpraxismäßig correct einrichtingeten Bordrestaurants der DB contrasted.

Cheese fondue in glass plate

Tröstlich everhin, with the woolly atmosphere after the experience of Daniela Corboz, Geschäftsführerin der SBB-Speisewagentochter Elvetino, there are still: The new days are still nice, wesentlich moderner, with Sitzplätzen und Theke, “sehr offen, sehr einladend” – now stop not more so eightier.

Aber: Die Hauptsache ist doch, es schmeckt. So in EC 6, where Dortmund hints at a glass plate tableware from Käse-Fondue and the fact that Kellner uses a black tee on the Tisch Stehen. Der Baedeker has here conveyed the spirit of the Empfehlung „Lohnt einen Umweg“, perhaps even „Ist an own journey wert“. Einfach mal zwischen Interlaken Ost und Hamburg-Altona in Eurocity fahren.

Fondue is used more often, and other Swiss classics became the end of the WRm meal. Frau Corboz said that her motto “Die SBB en die Schweiz auf dem Teller” became more and more gilten. If you take a look at Ghackets with Hörnli, Corboz is a typical example of a dish: Hörnchennudeln, Hackfleischsauce and Apfelmus. Hoffentlich noch in WRm.