
Notaufnahme in Trier am Limit: Patients are increasing grimly

Notaufnahme in Trier am Limit: Patients are increasing grimly

In the Trier region it is increasingly a Hausärzte. Bereitschaftsdienste reduces his time commitment. Die Konsequenz: Leave more patients like Hilfe in the Notaufnahme – a problem.

In front of the central Notaufnahme in Klinikum Mutterhaus der Borromäerinnen in Trier you were the Mixed Patients. A woman has received a great care, a Mann has a problem with a Fahrradsturz über Schmerzen and with another patient, it is the thought of a blind patient.

Rund 22 People warten en diesem Montagvormittag auf einen Arzt. Daniel Stefka, the Ärztliche Leiter der Notaufnahme, is the main leader.

Daniel Stef checks a cell phone in the note.

Daniel Stef checks a cell phone in the note.


Notaufnahme Trier: Beef 120 Patients pro Tag

It’s not that things aren’t going well. Direction is first, if 50 patients are performed over time. But that always comes to a higher level after consultation with the clinic. The patient burden in the patient care increases every year.

While there were 26,000 people who were treated during the year, there were 30,000 patients at the end of the year.

Stefka: Not everything Fälle für Notaufnahme

The majority of people face serious medical problems, says Daniel Stefka. You can get the chance to work with herz-kreislauf-erkrankungen or nach onfällen.

Rund 20 Prozent davon seien jedoch fall, die nicht in de Notaufnahme gehörten. So it is a matter of Leute, which with Husten, Schnupfen, Heiserkeit, Durchfall or smaller prellungen vordellten.

“If you see a few patients, who come, we will no longer have Hausarzt or no Facharztermin-bekommen”, erzählt der Arzt.

Patients were treated with Pieper

The cooking will be in the Mutterhaus. Equally ob Notfall of nicht, bestätigt auch Geschäftsführer Christian Sprenger. If you have become a patient in the bill, this has been included in the herausforderung for your hospital. Gerade ein Feiertagen und in de Ferien, als Hausarztpraxen geschlossen sind, sei kaum genug Platz, eine dem All Wartenden-subjects.

The clinic manager has found a creative solution: “An alarm system with a buzzer system is installed, which is what restaurants are familiar with. The patients are anesthetized to be able to operate Pieper.”

Long days to spare for bad support

Dazu kommt: You stay in the war longer, while with Leuten you experience the Stimmung, says Christian Sprenger. Denn in der Notaufnahme was discussed after Dringlichkeit. “The power of the Triage is for the man who strengthens, of which the first four quarters are, plötzlich dran ist, während other stundenlang warten.”

Personal wiring or custom made

If you are not aware of the situation, this is not the case. From verbal comments to the fact that they are personal, it is a matter of time. “Of course if you see a Zunahme, it’s not possible anymore in Borders. It’s not like we can make a good deal, but it will be in the world for a while now.”


Bitburger Hausärztin warns of Rückgang von Hausarzt-Praxen in the Trier region. She says that the Stimmung der Hausärzte is centuries long.

Hausärzte am Limit
Hausärztin aus Bitburg: The support of both the Hausärzten has been around for centuries

Were a new Hausarzt sucht, hat oft bad Karten. Also in the Trier region there is a high burden of household maintenance. And the low change is getting longer and longer.

For the protection of the mountain reefs of your defenses, the Mitarbeiter were specially protected. “We can carry out deescalation training and a security service in the clinic. And we will give a hint 100 times if we become verbally and körperlich angriffen,” says the Clinic Chef.

Zunigen Niedergelassene Ärzte in der Fläche

Is it possible that the Notaufnahmen in the Trier region are even that full? The hat for Christian Sprenger is a uniform Grund. Seiner Ansicht nach gibt is one of the new Niedergelassene Ärzte auf dem Land. All in Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm is more like the Arztsitze unbesetzt, often bliebe the Patients daher nichts alles übrig, as with my Beschwerden ins Krankenhaus zu kommen.

“I was a surgical patient, but I was never able to stay in the hospital,” said Sprenger. “If those affected have some reason or motivation, the clinic and doctor may discover that they are being treated.”

Ambulante Gesundheitsversorgung must become more

I will not stop Patient Bashing.

Christian Sprenger took the time to end the situation in Hilfe’s note: “Ich stop nichts von Patienten-Bashing.” Gleichzeitig jedoch jeder Mensch, the ways a Bagatelle comes into the Krankenhaus, one of them fell. A path to the dilemma that arises in the treatment of medications in outpatient healthcare.

“In fact, a Krankenhaus does not cooperate with the outpatient service, but he will naturally end up in the country, a relief for a regional outpatient service.”

Medizinische Verorgungszentren als Losung?

Um who have your words, put the Mutterhaus on its own two feet on more maßnahmen. So the Viehmarkt is a Mediterranean diversification centre, in the more fachbereiche that is not used, is sollen.

A transfer is a matter of an anlaufstelle for notfallpatients that you buy, a direct choice for separating your money, to an Aufenthalt in the Krankenhaus, notoriously from or to the outpatient care you need.

Krankenbetten stehen in een Gang im Klinikum Großhadern in Munich.

Krankenhausreform: Weniger Krankenhäuser, more quality?

The Bundestag has decided on the medical reform. The reform will finance Krankenhäuser’s financial institutions.

SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

SWR1 Baden-Württemberg

In Wittlich, people have established a Medizinische Versorgungszentrum (MVZ) for the Fachbereich HNO (Hals-Nasen-Ohren). Etwas Ähnliches sei in Kooperation mit der Marienhausgruppe in Bitburg. If all goes well, an appeal will be made to purchase outpatient medical care.

Quick release in sight

If you go to a healthy lifestyle, the man will find a solution quickly and uncomplicated, while you have a bad strategy, a man on the land who has a healthy lifestyle and will lose the notes that charge you.

Umdenk der Menschen ergorderlich

Daniel Stefka and his team continued with the stellung and their treatment they encountered. There is no such thing as a well-streamlined health system if meditation occurs when thinking about population.

“If you see more patients, they are free to come at 5 p.m., a Fachspezialists The only autumn hat is a big challenge.

“Man must always look forward to it, because it is important to know that it is necessary to take care of medical care in the future. I think that everything is possible during the week and the night. Viele things could still be good.”

Job in der Notaufnahme bleibt Herausforderung

Der Job in der Notaufnahme bleibt für Ärzte und Pflegepersonal herausfordernd. If you can ask a question tomorrow, it is a problem that you will have a problem or an extra stressful Tag-wird. After Daniel Stefka got a job after 20 years, he is still not a power.

“I received a message quickly, it has never happened like this before. For a few people, the idea is for a patient to notice their illness themselves.”