
“Perfekt Verpasst”: Pastewka, Engelke und de Mathematik der Liebe

“Perfekt Verpasst”: Pastewka, Engelke und de Mathematik der Liebe

Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka are from the German Comedy fell Gutes gifts. In Amazon’s “Perfekt Verpasst” both nuns play the main characters of a series, which in such a way they live in their übersichtlichen Kleinstadt aber immer wieder verpassen.

Gemeinsame “Wochenshow”-Sketche, Begegnungen in “Pastewka” and the Shows of “Wolfgang & Anneliese”: Both of whom befriended Komödien-Spezialisten Anke Engelke (58) and Bastiaan Pastewka (52) has in the past 30 years made a career of a mixture of things: sketch shows, films and specials, which paid off with prizes. And yet the stars of German comedy have not even appeared Series common sense. Dies ich nun mit Amazons “Perfekt Verpasst”, the eight songs on Donnersdag, 15. Augustat Streaming service to find sin. The plot is very interesting: Maria (Engelke) and Ralf (Pastewka) are in the same room more recently To live party.

If you have a book loaded, this might be a better scripture. Mary’s Childless Ehe with Max (Serkan Kaya) is separated, aber man hat noch heimlich Sex mitesother. Heimlich deshalb, weil Max nun mit Maries enger und hochsensibler Freundin Nikki (Fritzi Haberlandt) together. When Ralf is in the Lebensmitte, it comes to an end. Dying Ehe the passionierten Schuhladenbesitzers were sure to happen. Die fast erwachsenen Töchter (Momo Beier, Lea Freund) was generated by the Dad-Jokes in his uncool barrels, der mit Fröhlichkeit die Leere in seinem To live zu überdecken scheint. With others Worten: a typical Pastewka figure.

Viel Erfahrung – voor en jenseits der Kamera

In my story Sebastian Colley (“Pauline”) and Claudius Pläging (“Spieleabend”) are the series authors and: Maria and Ralf are actually perfect companions – but they still haven’t gotten on the road. And that’s where you are Small town live. The result is that the Kuriosität fatherdurch, because both of them are related to each other since: So ist Marias Vater (Michael Wittenborn) nach seinem späten Coming out with one of Ralf jijsammen’s best friends, his Amateur-Rockbandkollegen Jochen zwei (Peter Jordan).

Viel Erfahrung and Talent spotted in these nets Schmunzelserie with tragicomic Tiefgangmomenten, sowohl for who of jenseits der Camera. Die Autoren Colley und Pläging were schon bei such illustren Werken deutscher Comedy-Kunst with “Pastewka”, “Ladykracher”, “Die Carolin Kebekus Show”, “Kroymann” or “How to sell drugs online (fast)” are working. Pastewkas and Engelkes Figures to rest through the house, but without being completely subdued. It is possible that the Amazon series contains part of the Oberfläche with numbers and that it is not the case that he is nearby Figures. Moreover, it is a matter of people or people in the situation that is so good. The certain lightness of the verses Liebes-Mathematik with Engelke and Pastewka hat aber ihr Gutes: Man sieht a net Kleinstadtgeschichte voler neatter, more human Figuresthe man can all be a little nervous.

Marburg and the Unmöglichkeit, sich zu verpassen

Apropos Kleinstadt: “Perfekt Verpasst” plays in middle-hessish abgelegenen Studentenstädtchen Marburg. Marburg78,000 A woman including an end to the prize, is a bonus joke for Kenner des Ortes, who then dies Series mitliefert. The background of some of the inner city images is unpleasant, it is no longer possible to find another way. Insofern is the fact that it is “perfect”, it is “perfect” to use.