
Since 50 years in a single job: 67 years in the Krankenhaus Brakel everything

Since 50 years in a single job: 67 years in the Krankenhaus Brakel everything

Brakel. School, Ausbildung, St. Vincenz Hospital – der Lebenslauf von Ingrid Rohde is a kurz, but still further. The care team at the orthopedic clinic in Brakel has been working at the Heutigen Association of the Katholische Ziekenhuisvereinigung Weser-Egge (KHWE) since 1974 and has celebrated its 50th anniversary of service with the KHWE-Mitteilt.

“Sie never had a Geschäftsführer erlebt, sondern auch den Neubau in der Danziger Straße and fall Weiterentwicklungen in der Medizintechnik,” said KHWE-Geschäftsführer Christian Jostes with a Feierstunde with Vorgesetzten and Kollegen. “If you haven’t done even one of the things you’ve done over the years or if you’ve had a night-thought, Ihrem Willen said that he has done a few things and that he has brought woolen. For your commitment, I would like to thank you again,” says Jostes.

Ingrid Rohde waited 17 years for an Ausbildungsplatz on the new Krankenpflegeschule right next to the St. Vincenz hospital. Trotz der Unsicherheiten, ob dieser Beruf etwas für een zozierliche Person who sie is, sich sehr über die Zusage. “Damals gab es fell weniger Hilfsmittel as heute, was the Pflege der Patients deutlich erschwert hat”, erzählt die 67-Jährige. If the Ausbildung has started, it is possible to go for a few years at the station for the “Innere Medizin”, but in the orthopedics that we can use. Bereits after few years in the turmoil are absolutely assured of a station leitungslehrgang and after 1985, now eight weeks after the Geburt ihres Kindes, the Teamleitung.

Auszeiten with single child and traveling

“I have learned over time that people are different. My opinion is that the person who recognizes the team and works with the team” has reached the age of 67. Before all integration of nachwuchspflegekräften is a brain opportunity. Ingrid Rohde said: “The young colleges are no longer that fun. We have a good relationship with each other and we are happy with it.”

In a small part of the options, the engagement and engagement courses are continued and followed long-term. - © KHWE

In a small part of the options, the engagement and engagement courses are continued and followed long-term. | © KHWE

The perfect Ausgleich zum Krankenhausalltag is for all Urlaube in Egypt and the annual celebration of a single plant with the Single Tour. Over the work was done with great care. „My man knows that he is still alive, although he is still alive, so long as he is not alone, it is always good“, so die Jubilarin.