
Steirische Laborlosigkeit amounts to 14.8 Prozent zu

Steirische Laborlosigkeit amounts to 14.8 Prozent zu

“On the background of Umfelds’ continued economic growth, the negative development over the years has stopped the development of professional solutions,” Yvonne Popper-Pieber explains. The Stellvertretende Landesgeschäftsführerin des Arbeitsmarktservice sees a boost in the coming years. So if you have a trend change “in the next month it will no longer be possible”, traditionally in the winter months there is seasonal labor in construction in advance. In October I will explain the Arbeitslosigkeit in der Styria at 14.8 percent of 33,127 persons who have been reported to AMS as Arbeitslosen. Einschließlich der 8627 Teilnehmenden an Schulungen seien damit derzeit 41.754 Steirerinnen und Steirer ohne Beschäftigung (plus 4526 Personen; plus 12.2 Prozent).

With a non-independent description, a slight decline of 3000 persons or 0.5 per cent per 551,000 persons is possible. The estimated labor loss ratio remains at 5.7 Prozent (+0.7 Prozentpunkte).

“Zurzeit deutlich weniger offene Jobangebote”

Popper-Pieber stated: “When we notice the hot situation on the Stellenmarkt, the secret employees report that there will be little offene Jobangebote as yet for a year.” Conkret seien gegenwärtig 12,281 sofort ügbare offene Stellen beim AMS Steiermark reportedet, im Jahresabstand ein Minus von 1870 Stellen oder 13,2 Prozent. Allein im Monat Oktober kamen dabei 6674 zuätzliche offene Couples hinzu.