
Merciful brothers welcome the new General Prior

Merciful brothers welcome the new General Prior

The Merciful Brother of Saints Johannes von Gott has had a new Generalprior. The 53-year-old Brother Pascal Ahodegnon celebrated an All Saints’ Day celebration at the General Chapter in the Polish Tschenstochau and the Spitze des Ordens gewählt, wie de Gemeinschaft miteilte. Ahodegnon was born in Benin and has been born since 2012. Mitglied der Ordensleitung, des Generalrats. The new Generalobere, der sein Medizin- und Chirurgiestudiium in Mailand abschloss, dat dem Orden 1994 bei.

“I was able to thank everyone for having the opportunity to be present, to be able to serve them. I am in my own right, to be able to improve their hospitality and hospitality in the entire world,” said Ahodegnon nach signaler. Wahl. There has been the Spanier Jesus Etayo Arrondo lost since the order in 2012. Das Generalkapitel tag noch bis Donnerstag.

Die Barmherzigen Brüder vom sainten Johannes von Gott had a time after his own Angaben 965 Mitglieder in 18 Ordensprovinzen in allen tween Kontinenten. In Germany, the Bayerische Ordensprovinz, zu der einschließlich aines Novizen 17 Brüder heard. It involves more clinics and facilities of the community with more than 11,000 employees. In Bavaria the Gemeinschaft started in 1622. The first war in the monastery and hospital Sankt Wolfgang an der Donau. Neben the Merciful Brother of Saint John of Gott since we have two Ordensgemeinschaften ähnlichen Namen in Deutschland tätig, the Merciful Brother of Maria Hilf with Sitz in Trier as well as the Merciful Brother of Montabaur. (KNA)