
Price for more than 10,000 Euro in the Advent calendar

Price for more than 10,000 Euro in the Advent calendar

The Friesoyther Advent Calendar has a value of 88 and specifies an amount of 10,300 Euro. Der Erlös unterstützt das St.-Marien-ziekenhuis Friesoythe. Über 900 Vorbestellungen von local companies can go ahead.

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Friesoythe – Ab sofort is wieder in zahlreichen Friesoyther Geschäften und Firmen erhältlich – der Adventskalender des Handels- und Gewerbervereins (HGV) und der Bürgerhospitalstiftung Friesoythe. As motivation for the diesjährige calendar, in an edition of 2200 examples of herausgeben, a look at the Adventlich geschmückten Kirchstraße in the Friesoyther Begegnungszone.

Plakat im Schaufenster

The calendar was placed in the Volksbank, the Landessparkasse in Oldenburg, which will be abolished at a later stage, with a plaque in the bowl on the sales information, zum Preis von zehn Euro pro Exemplar zu erwerben sein. The Netto Erlös comes who in the lost Jahren der Bürgerhospitalstiftung Friesoythe zu Gute, who damit the St.-Marien-Hospital Friesoythe unterstützt. If you make it through that year, it will be worth the prize you earn. Hinter jedem Türchen became more valuable, so that you can enjoy your Adventstag even more with pleasure.

The entry was redeemed for 88 prizes of €10,300. As a Hauptpreise stehen in diesem zur Verlosung en: An E-Bike Gazelle Chamonix C7 HMS in a value of 3,200 Euro (Frerichs der Zweiradexperte/Bürgerhospitalstiftung), an iPhone 14 in a value of 850 Euro (Phone House Gamers), an iPad in a value of 500 Euro (Expert Block Friesoythe), a 3-day trip for a green week in Berlin with a price of 300 euros (Alwins Travel Service) and a Sechs-Gänge-Menü with Weinbegleitung für both Personen in Wert of 220 euros (Regional Restaurant ). Also offer attractive purchase prices as well as fuel and fuel savings. “Wir friends are happy, that in these years whoever so fell Friesoyther Firmen as Sponsors won connten,” erläuterte der Vorsitzende des Stiftungsrates, Georg Litmathe. Stiftungsvorstand Bernd Rieken concreted: “In these years there have been over 900 Vorab-Bestellungen von Friesoyther Firmen for, which these calendars as an attractive Advent gift for my Belegschaft can have.”

The Auslosung der Gewinne took place that summer in the Mittwoch, November 20, during the Mitarbeiterinnen of the Palliativdienstes of the Sozialstation Friesoyde erolgen. The investigation is conducted by Manier by the Rechtsanwalt and Notar Paul Kock who lies. The winning numbers became from 1 onwards this month in the Nordwest-Zeitung and on Instagram under HGV Friesoythe, on Facebook under HGV Friesoythe, which is visible on the homepage of Bürgerhospitalstiftung Friesoythe

Viel Förderung

“Unsere Stiftung konnte im Vergangen Jahr Anschaffungen des St.-Marien-Hospitals Friesoythe in Höhe von 40,475 Euro fördern”, erläuterte der Stiftungsratsvorsitzende Georg Litmathe zufrieden. The contribution to the economic development of the foundation for the investment of foundations, actions for the Advent Calendar purchase and the “Wein & Tapas – Abend”, Zustiftungen and Spending. Jüngst first brought the auction of four Mini-No-Hate-Sculptures in Rahmen a Konzertabends with the pianist Josef Barnickel a bet of 3,800 Euro. Der Handels- en Gewerbeverein Friesoythe hatte dazu who spent four Mini-Sculptures. Zahlreiche Friesoyther hatten dafür großzügige Gebote abgegeben.