
Endlager für Atommüll: more Gebiete in BW “ungeeignet”

Endlager für Atommüll: more Gebiete in BW “ungeeignet”

It is possible to combine an Atommüll-Endlager with such a device. The sister Bundesgesellschaft has prepared a Zwischenbericht. Demnach sind eeninige Gebiete in BW ungeeignet.

If there is a terminal station for highly radioactive Atommüll in Germany, it is the first generation that is unheard of. The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) has found a free map on the internet, which has determined the state of affairs. In Baden-Württemberg in the Flächen, the bislang as potential geeinstuft were, now as Standort for a Atommüll-Endlager ausgeschlossen.

This area in BW is used as part of Atommüll-Endlager

Other areas were taken in a region between Bad Herrenalb (Kreis Calw) and Pforzheim and Vaihingen an der Enz (Kreis Ludwigsburg) bis in de Kreis Neckar-Odenwald und Main-Tauber von den Wissenschaftlern aus dem Rennen. The part of the Kreises Konstanz and the area of ​​Tuttlingen and Emmendingen are never really good. It is gold-plated for a regional band of Münsingen (Kreis Reutlingen) and Blaubeuren (Alb-Donau-Kreis) in the Landkreise Heidenheim and Ostalb. Viele other Regionen – etwa die Rheinebene – müssen noch genauer bewertet.

If the new Arbeitsstand of the BGE comes 44 Prozent der Landesfläche in Deutschland weiter grundsätzlich infrage – in der Regel, weil hier noch keine weitere Einordnung durch Fachleute ergolgt ist.

In a large area with Kristallingestein, that is from Baden-Württemberg in Bavaria to Saxony, 80 Prozent der Fläche were as no geeignet eingestuft. Auch Gebiete in Rheinland-Pfalz landeten teils in dieser Kategorie. It’s one of the few things that isn’t right. Of 90 parts, 13 were first tested.


A warning "Radioactive" hangs at the entrance of the Transport Behälterlager für Atommüll

New Gutachten dating from 50 years ago
This is an atomic bearing treatment that lasts for a year

Those kinds of things are a terminal point for highly radioactive atoms, because they have received a media message that has been broadcast for a year. It’s a new Gutachtens.

SWR4 am Mittwoch


The base regions were rebuilt at the end of 2027

At the end of 2027, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung will propose that work rules be abolished and concrete Standortregionen, which will then become obirirdisch unterucht. The final is separated by the state of play in the Bundestag.

Once the end bearings are close to the 27,000 cubic meter high radioactive devices, this will be more than 60 years of Atomkraft in Germany. The fact is that money is financed for a million years, which is worth a million years. The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung prüft mit Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, welche Gebiete in Deutschland favorable geological provisions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactiven Abfälle erwarten lassen. You can perform these actions in 16 upper Zwischenlagern in verschiedenen Bundesländern.


BW-Umweltministerin Theresa Walker (Grüne) at Besuch im Atommüll-Zwischenlager Philippsburg. In the Halle Stehen in the background Castorbehälter with Atommüll.

Environment Ministerin Walker will mach Tempo
Atommüll: Ungeklärte Frage nach Endlager beschäftigt Philippsburg

The Atommüll in the Zwischenlager Philippsburg will last longer if it is planted. There is a problem with the end bearings. BW-Umweltministerin Walker will machen Druck.

The Federal World Ministry was founded in 2050 and the end of the world was financed. It takes about 20 years for the plant to be planted. If the end of life is no longer possible, it is not offensive.