
Play the world with the new world climate game

Play the world with the new world climate game

Drei Tage – a game – a theme. In Milland near Brixen, the House of Solidarity is interested from the age of 18 and is a Weltklimaspiel teilzunehmen.

In a app-gestützten Brett- und Planspiel schlüpfen de Teilnehmenden in de Rollen globale EntscheidungsträgerInnen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft und entwicklen creative problems door de central herausforderungen van de climawandels und der nachhaltigkeit.

Ein Jahrhundert long

They have been playing for a long time these days. Practical if you make 10 rounds of play, in the group that is an economic, economic and social nachhaltige gesellschafts- und wirtschaftsordnung.

A game in the Gruppe

The game lasts three full days – from 28 to 30 November, from 09:15 to 17:00. Play in a group of thoughts of 25 to a maximum of 50 people from 18 years old. The end is free, an expense is a problem.

Interest can take place on November 10 during the OEW registration.