
Jugendspiel in Eschede thoroughly enjoyed! – Nachrichten AG

Jugendspiel in Eschede thoroughly enjoyed! – Nachrichten AG

While one of the most successful U 18/19 football matches of JSG Lachtetal and the JSG Westkreis in Eschede occurred at the end of the day with intense entertainment on the playing field. If the game was played in a Schlägerei, the situation was eliminated and the preparation could make a mistake. Insgesamt wurden mindesten fünf Personen verletzt, darunter aine, who benötigt a Krankenhausaufenthalt. The game, where the score of 2:11 has started, provides a relief, the police on the plan, after a Zuschauerin Alarm schlug.

The police cell is with more Streifenwagen and Zwei Rettungswagen ein, a situation that is the caliber. Beamte consider the personal involvement and start coming up with ideas for the Körperverletzung. The use of the external set and the background are not understood, but the gems in the playfield edge are not yet that high. Details about the low and the forfällen are neither sparse, as reportset.

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