
Atommüll-Lagerung: Nördliches NRW nor as Standort für Atomendlager conceivable

Atommüll-Lagerung: Nördliches NRW nor as Standort für Atomendlager conceivable

Four years after the start of such paints for a standard for a German end bearing for highly radioactive Atommüll ist northern North Rhine-Westphalia nor weitgehend in Rennen. Einer Karte der Bundesgesellschaft für Endlager (BGE) has taught the gilded area in the meadows Teilen as nor not.

It is gold-plated for the northern Lower Rhine in Kleve and the Münsterland in Bielefeld. In East Westphalia, an unauthorized claim can be made every day. The Ruhr area and the other southern part of the Bundeslandes would not even be the first to get into trouble.

Such things are for the benefit of the company, in the form of a company that does not exist. Etwa 44 Prozent des Bundesgebiets seien weiter in Spiel, wie die Sprecherin der zurständigen Bundesgesellschaft für Endlager (BGE). Funds were built until 2050 for a 27,000 cubic meter high radioactive Müll, which fell in more than 60 years of Atomkraft.

Riesige Fläche

The BGE website is accessible as an interactive map and has become increasingly active. This love for Jewish territory is a understanding of separation – and the ways of the thirsty spirits such as Ton, Salz or Kristallin.

The Fläche, which was not examined, became muss, bleibt aber riesig. The BGE will leave the first phase of end bearings at the end of 2027. I am an oberirdische Erkundungen-stattfinden, entscheidet with Hilfe van BGE-Expertise dann der Bundestag.

BGE has come to believe that an uninspired company has not “chosen the time of running.” Gleichwohl is one of the witschaftlicher Sicht “she is not sure, it is an endlager entsteht”.

One million years of Security

The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung prüft mit Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, welche Gebiete in Deutschland favorable geological provisions for the unterirdische Endlagerung hochradioactiven Abfälle erwarten lassen. The fact is that money finances a million years, which lasts hundreds of years. Security is active in 16 major Zwischenlagern in various Bundesländern.

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