
FCN: Club-Torhüter Reichert: Hamburg is seine Perle | Sport

FCN: Club-Torhüter Reichert: Hamburg is seine Perle | Sport

This war is an emotional shock.

I feel Club-Torhüter Jan Reichert (22) at the 1:4-Pleite in Hamburg during his professional debut. A few years later it is no longer the case that the Ergebnis is robbed by Reichert.

David Raum witzelt“Andrich is so much like Depp…”

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Quelle: BIL

When the first goals came from the league, the Zweitliga-Torwart became divided. Reichert: “It was a special day for me. If I enjoy the game, there will be no more war, that’s the way it is. I have a natural look and anything is possible. There is a super cleaner Tag for me.”

There is no personal solution for the Schlussmann after the game with the Grund zur Freude: „We have an excessive Auftritt geliefert and a German Schritt in our Entwicklung gemacht. Of course you can play a game of cards. Daran could have some natural nurturing.”

Insgesamt zölf Zweitligaspiele stand Reichert bisher for the Club in Tor, now there is only one thing left is ohne Gentor. This is the story of the legends of Derbyshire (4:0): “I am very grateful that I lived in Solchen Staden and dared to play. I can’t help but take another example. For me, you play something special.”

+++Club intern+++

Vorkel pauses

Für Club-Jonge Dustin Forkel (19) Don’t think of it as a short setback on the Platz. Once the stucco staff takes a turn and it’s out of the fray in mid-September. Trainer Miroslav Klose (46): “Bei ihm wird es noch ein bisschen longer dauern.

Karting paint bar

If you give some money to the Möglichkeit, you will receive tickets for the Heimspiel against Fortuna Düsseldorf on Sunday, 1. This month (1.30 pm). You can start for free in the Donnerstag.

Professional training

After the free time has started, the Mannschaft de Kurze Vorbereitung starts at the Heimspiel am Freitag (6.30 PM) in Kaiserslautern. That Einheit is no longer effective.