
Bad Bernecker Summer Park Festival

Bad Bernecker Summer Park Festival

2nd day of best relaxation in the romantic Kurpark
Saturday: Live Music with “Play Again Sam” and Laser Show
Sonntag: Family tag with Gottesdienst and Garden Art Market

On Saturday, August 10th, the evening program starts at 17:00 with party and music. Live music from „Play Again Sam“ lets the guest enjoy the heißen Rhythmen. After the Dunkelheit project there is a new laser show from the new Feuerwerk. Danach would start again during the Mitternacht with Harry’s Plattenschrank, the Bars and our culinary Offer do not allow any desirable violation. The mini golf course lasts the night mini golf until 0:00. Entry from 16:30, entry free.

Der Gartenkunstmarkt öffnet am Sonntag, 11. August, at 10 Uhr seine Pforten, de Stände präsentieren Schönes und Nützliches für Garten und Decoratie. Gleichzeitig starts with the family day with a good Gottesdienst in the new column. I start at 11:30 am with “Braten im Park” and more culinary Höhepunkt. Two nice Bratengericht ermöglichen ein Familien-Mittagessen in fröhlicher Runde.
Another tradition is based on the Sonntag, the ganz in the Zeichen der Familie. At 6 p.m. from the KJR Kulmbach with Spielstationen, the Bad Bernecker Feuerwehr and Vereine provide more buntes Program for Families.
The Gartenkunstmarkt and the Summer Park Festival start at 6 p.m.
Der Eintritt am Sonntag is free.
Free parking spaces since reichlich available! The Besucher was bitten on the Großparkplatz am Anger and the Stichstraße am Busbahnhof zu nutzen. On Saturday after the Geschäftszeiten at 6 p.m. and at Sunntag, the main centers can be enjoyed at the Parkplatz des Baumarkts.
It is easy to take a regular, free shuttle bus between Anger and Marktplatz.

Is this not a suitable solution? Here you can book your hotel directly.