
Urban gardening in Germany: Bochum at Ranking auf Platz 1 | Regional

Urban gardening in Germany: Bochum at Ranking auf Platz 1 | Regional

Bochum – It is blue and solid in our large Großstädten. We walked into insect paradise, the garden became a gem – and the best: Viele Handpacken with an and more city-friendly products and products from our construction.

It is not the German Hauptstadt that has achieved the highest density and the Gemeinschaftsgärten. metropolises North Rhine-Westphalia flourish especially, all from Bochum!

Tomatoes are eaten, they are loved by the Germans and they are grown

Tomatoes are eaten, they are loved by the Germans and they are grown

Photo: photo alliance/dpa

Beef 1000 solcher communally treated and enjoyed Garden Wurden gezählt, eine actuelle Untersuchung des “toom”-Baumarkts say, which of the 20 major cities with the most Flächen, niedrigsten Mitgliedsbeiträgen and stärksten Förderprogrammen herausstechen.

Das Revier continues to go broke

Beim „Urban Gardening“ stehen in deutschlandweiten Ranking gleich three NRW-Großstädte an der Spitze. Bochum lives with 12.6 community gardens for 100,000 residents, followed by 20 kilometers of entfernten Wuppertal (10 gardens) and Duisburg in the west Ruhr area with 7.1 Gärten.

In Frankfurt/Main you can spend 30 community gardens, for the animals Beiträge Hobby-Gärtner in Durchschnitt 35 Euro per Jahr zahlen

In Frankfurt/Main you can spend 30 community gardens, for the animals Beiträge Hobby-Gärtner in Durchschnitt 35 Euro per Jahr zahlen

Photo: photo alliance / Westend61

Zum Vergleich: Hamburg kan nur 2 Gärten pro 100.000 Einwohner voweisen. Weit abgeschlagen auch Cologne with durable 2.3 Solcher Project.

Factor Mitgliedsbeiträge

Was the Bochumer hat an überzeugt? Consider the Mitgliedsbeiträge, from 20 to 25 Euro per year without costs. In Munich and Hanover, Hobby-Gärtner sells between 40 and 44 Euro per year. If you have a green spa in Stuttgart, this will be more than 56 Euro.

Beim Urban Gardening became Hinterhöfe here in Leipzig with small green oasen

Beim Urban Gardening became Hinterhöfe here in Leipzig with small green oasen

Photo: photo alliance/dpa

Hobby-Gärtner enjoy the fruits of their common labor

Hobby-Gärtner enjoy the fruits of their common labor

Photo: photo alliance / Westend61

Since then, Bochum has been following up on a strategy project called “Pocket Parks”: Brachflächen, Baulücken or bislang version gelten Bereiche sollen themselves day and night in small green areas, with all 370,000 residents living there again Natural flächen get.

“The urban enjoyment of nature with the mini parks is more Platz – and the Citizens offer more Aufenthaltsqualität in Grünen. Everything in Bochum was a new project, such as the city’s environmental and green environment in today’s environment, which is a natural environment in Pocket Parks.

The order program can be solved even further

Run the program in the new garden, the starter version of Flächen and the best best city garden. Bochum has carried out smaller projects with amounts of 10,000 and 50,000 euros.

The large German cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Munich are investing between 200,000 and 500,000 euros in the urban development program for community gardens.