
Endlager Weltall: Would you like to see the atomic bomb in the sun?

Endlager Weltall: Would you like to see the atomic bomb in the sun?

In 2013 in the US-Fachmagazin Air & Space Power Journal a message appeared expressing gratitude. According to the author Murray R. Berkowitz, a Medizin-Professor at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, he said about the Feststellung, “that is the risk for the healthy health of the radioactive atom due to the transmission in the sun’s first light sind” . Selbst at an Unfall with one of the atomic charges of the small credit grade was only 1 of 3.8 million years, deutsch lighter as the Krebstoderate in the Allgemeinbevölkerung (1 of 5,000) sei.

The Großteil der Fachwelt sees it differently. It was an explosion, a bomb loaded with atomic bombs and followed by the start of the explosion, a great “schmutzigen bombe” gliichkommen, with verheerenden follow on the earth and in the atmosphere. And the Gefahren a Zwischenfalls ist keineswegs vernachlässigenswert. So you can enjoy the fun of the year 2021, we will continue to live 146 Rocket starts ever after eleven.