
Nachruf auf de Erfinder der “Eat Art”, Daniel Spoerri, 94 – Kultur

Nachruf auf de Erfinder der “Eat Art”, Daniel Spoerri, 94 – Kultur

Daniel Spoerri has the beautiful Augenblicke in Kunst en Leben, das gesellige Essen and Trinken, with Leim festive woolen. Jetzt is an alternative from 94 years ago. An investigation into the viewfinder of “Eat Art”.

Art and cuisine – the kitchen is eigentlich, so whoever chooses both, if man has an indefinite time, then the level of the Darstellungen of the colleges is one of the possibilities that time can offer. While the great Renaissance geniuses come to use the art itself through the Magen, the creative output is theorized with the nahrungsaufnahme kurzgeschlossen. It is therefore true that an investigation would only work if something were to happen, if the obligatory state funds of Abendessen could no longer count on a large expense item that a large gallery could have. If you have an overview: Wer fell Geld für Tafelmalerei ausgibt, will also with the Malern tables. With museum keys. It is possible that you will get information about the future intellectuals, and you can appear at small Platonic symposiums.