
Zum Tod des Schweizer Bildhauers Daniel Spoerri: Inheritor of Eat Art

Zum Tod des Schweizer Bildhauers Daniel Spoerri: Inheritor of Eat Art

“Leben, Tod and Essen. It’s interesting mi. That is actually my theme”, which Daniel Spoerri said of the Wiener “Kurier” for several years in an interview, as he discussed in his Living Room at the Naschmarkt zum nunzigsten Geburtstag. One of the lehnte damals is one of the Trödel-erworbenes Gummiskelett, one of the zahlreichen Fundstücke, with finding the leading Flohmarktbesucher and Sammler cover. “My friends”, the gratitude of the artists of their guests and that they will always be there again.

A Sache von both Enden zu kostenloser, de Sprunghaftigkeit en der Schalk, een ergischende Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber dem Unerwarteten – that is war dem Leben and auch dem Werk dies onder de Künstlers von Anfang en eingeschrieben. These Wesens images are in fact a playful form of Ballett zur bildenden Kunst-überwechseln, überall anknüpfen and new beginning konnte.

After the career as solotänzer and pantomime of the Berner Oper probably ended as an experimental filmmaker, and as an assistant in the Darmstädter Landestheater from the 1960s, a schließlich in Paris, there was a fixation of the brooding art lessons. Spoerris Talent for Friendship abounded in his very short life, but who is comb – with the new realists, their gründungsmitgliedern is hehörte, or with Zero, Fluxus, Pop Art and Wiener Aktionismus. Spoerri was an integration figure of the European Nachkriegskunst.

Although the work of the Bildhauer is not known, we are increasingly working and organized organizations: during the “Fallenbilder”, which in weltberühmt powers. Die Methode der ihm erfundenen Eating Art is entitled: Der Künstler lud zum Essen ein, das meist in Gelagen gipfelte, en fixierte anschließend mit Kunstharz die Überreste: die half leer gegessenen Teller and umgefallenen Gläser, die überquellenden Aschenbecher and befleckten Tischdecken, um everything like Tableau and die Wand zu hangen.

Auf diese Weise entstanden Tafelbilder im wörtlichen Sinn. Seine three dimensions Still lives were Memento mori der ungewöhnlichen Art. If you experience the joy in Essen and the Feier des Lebens festival, you will come into contact with the vergänglichkeit of the local community. The biggest man still plans to say something about what happened to Melancholy.

In the early 1960s

Jahren entstand the first Fallenbild

When the Kölner Galeristen Rudolf Zwirner, the Spoerri in the 1960s, has dinner with his Sammlerfreund Wolfgang Hahn, in the Künstler of the 1960s, he is invited again. Jeder brought his own things with him, which put an end to his work of art. Heute hangs “Hahns Abendmahl” in the Vienna Museum of Modern Art. Anyone who has a Gulasch-zubereitet so often can use their daycare center.

With most Essenseinladungen, ja der Gründung von Speiselokalen in Düsseldorf, wed there in 1968 und 1972 seine Eat-Art-Galerie betrieb, en in een nieuw-Sterreichischen camp, ​​were in a heemaligen Kloster seine überquellenden Fundsammlungen unterbringen konnte, versuchte der Künstler womöglich etwas wiederaufleben zu lassen, das in seiner rumänischen Heimat hatte lost.

Das Szegediner Gulasch seiner rumänischen Heimat

Born in 1930 in Galati as Daniel Isaac Feinstein and Sohn a Protestantism converted Jews and strengthened Missionaries, experience is as Elfjähriger, who his father of the National Socialists in the Konzentrationslager changed and was ermordet. Die Mutter floh nach dem Tod des Vaters with the children in the Schweizer Heimat. Take over your adoption in your Onkel. Fortan hiess der Junge Daniel Spoerri. The Schweiz missing is niece, which the Künstler once did, after the Szegeddiner Gulasch blessing Kindheit in Rumänien. Zurückgekehrt is not there anymore.

Weggewerfven, Aussortiertes zum Kunstwerk van erheben, gehörte schon früh zu Spoerris artistic principles. Professionalism is one of the first years from 1966 on the small Griechische Insel Symi, which has well-founded objects that are bizarrely composed and have a reliable character. This message is that it is a matter of the autumn photos and arranging special offers, but it is not possible.

Since the 1990s there was a whole Parade Solcher Assemblages in the Berliner Galerie Raab, Danes was a new initiative: “Mademoiselle Diop” has a grüne schimmerde Haupt a Werbefigur for the gleichnamige Shampoo, the paleness of the “Unbekannten von der Seine” war it totenmask is one of the wasser-financed means nachempfunden. For the year 1997 in the southern Tuscany open sculpture garden “Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri” these arrangements were presented as Bronze. Am Mittwochnachmittag sterb der Künstler 94-jährig in the Einem Wiener Hospital.