
buten inside: Nächster WM-Titel? 15 years of Bremer Tanzpaar is ready for Showdown

buten inside: Nächster WM-Titel? 15 years of Bremer Tanzpaar is ready for Showdown

Status: 25.09.2024 17:03

Three Weltmeisterschaften in three Monaten – Yigit Bayraktar und Lucrecija Kuraite von Grün-Gold wollen diesen Kraftakt am Samstag met de WM-Titel über zehn Tänze krönen.

Auch that last Spätsummertage in Bremen was neither enticing. Rausgehen, Eis essen, mit Freunden abhängen, einfach Spaß haben. Was man so powerful, when man was 15 years old. Yigit Bayraktar and Lucrecija Kuraite often have to spend time with their friends that summer. The next term calendar was full.

The junior pair of the Bremer Grün-Gold-Club won the title in July at the World Championship in Latvia, then in Stuttgart at the three Grand Slams of the triple victory and for other things who were the Vizeweltmeister in Standard – was for a Kraftakt.

“Haben in diesem Jahr schon super fell erreicht”

And while we have never done that, it is worth letting Saturday die to both teenagers, nor to the WM of the time in a slow Kosice. Dort are Bayraktar and Kuraiite title defenders and want to erneut whole above on Treppchen.

If you train them both yourself when you lock them, you can learn more things in that time and much more. Nothing, we will not like it, it is our own Antrieb. Dancing ist das, was sie von klein auf immer willen.

They are both so good that they can win the title at the standard World Championship. The home team won, that’s okay. We have achieved a lot this year, more than I imagined. And if it’s good, it will show a home-work location in the title.

(GGC Coach Roberto Albanese outside and inside)

Enormous Professionalism with first 15 years

Lucrecija Kuraite and Yigit Bayraktar vom Bremer Grün-Gold-Club were at the Standard-WM in Rumänien Zweite.

Roberto Albanese quickly gets both of them to enjoy spending time together as a pair of siblings, and it’s a great experience for both of them. “We’re a couple of good contrasts,” says Yigit Bayraktar, “Lucrecija has a great aura and I have a lot of musicality in my body, that’s what makes us come out.”

For Albanian people there is nothing else to be found in either of the two Neighbourhood Stances. “If you are harmonious and musical and natural in the kitchen, that is never a study from abroad.”

For the Success Coach of the Grün-Gold-Clubs, awareness is for all “this professionalism that changes their lives”.

“Möchte, dass alle sagen: ‘Wow, wie gut ist der denn?'”

Training, training, training and practicing Bremen and Lithuania, where Lucrecija Kuraite lives, her commutes and her travels. Mittendrin auch noch de Schulunterricht, mal Online, mal in Präsenz, bewältigen – das nicht ein Maximum und Disziplin und Hingabe für de Leistungssport.

Manchmal is my body shape, white and white, and made of wood. Not as a hobby, I want to see it all and say, ‘Wow, who is it?’

(GGC-Tänzer Yigit Bayraktar bei buten inside)

The loss of Eltern’s bed and his debts would not alleviate his trauma from the tanz career. Bayraktar und Lukraite zahlen es mit guten Noten zurück, auf der Tanzfläche and in their zeugnissen. If you knew, you were woolen and you were horny, that’s it.

Dreimal gold! 15 years of Bremer Tanzpaar writing Tanzgeschichte:

Standard and Latein – a real Krafttakt

“I am a good Training Trainer”, says Yigit Bayraktar: “I am very fit for fitness, box training for my coordination and training. And how, how manchmal müde bin oder lieber met meinen Freuden rausgehen würde, weiß ich, dass mir dats für meine Zukunft halves.”

And while the competition in the international junior range is the greatest, it is so that they both can no longer laugh in the other time. The Bayraktar and Curaite in Standard and Latein are a huge challenge in training. Jewelry making standard and latein masters and are never blinding in welding, it is the great art of the parquet.

With 2 WM titles in the next Junior Class?

The Bremen couple masters this art incredibly well. “It is a couple who are stronger in Latin and stronger in Standard and otherwise”, said Yigit Bayraktar: “I think that I will be the strong couple in the Junior II with the seven dances. This is not so. We did it with heart training and not self-consciously, but wool is the best things.”

If Saturday is yellow, the best choice and the Wertungsrichter von sich einzunehmen, that is the perfect solution for the Altersklasse with the 2. WM-Titel of the Saison yellows. I am still looking at Bayraktar and Kuraite for a few years at Junioren I, while Luna Albanese and Dimitri Kalistov are working. It has been a few years since the Bremer Paar was so old that it could no longer.

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outside and inside with Sportblitz, September 29, 2024, 7:30 PM