
Bürgergeld: Arbeitsloser prahlt – “Bin lieber Schmarotzer”

Deutschland ist spalten: Where it would go to go, one of the cattle you come, is a solution that makes life possible – with Unterstützung vom Amt. This person portrays the Bürgergeld-Doku „Armes Deutschland.“ Diesmal in Fokus: Christopher, als schwarzes Schaf op de Tasche des Statees Ausruht.

Gerade fresh from the Knast entlassen, see the Duisburger Ex-Häftling little Grund, sein Leben zu ändern.

Citizen allowance: I am a good worker

Christopher hat has no Bilderbuch-Verleidingenheit. Sieben Jahre seines Lebens saß der 28-Jährige bereits ein. The first thing that would cause the kurzem is one of the following punishments. Time in the kitchen is now a fact: “The life is lighter.” Recognize that the office is in a new living environment, but that there is no longer time for Christopher’s Vorstellungen.

+++Bürgergeld-Empfängerin hat Mietschulden – Sohn will Jobcenter austricksen, um an Geld zu kommen+++

There is a sum of money that yields a renovation and a purchase of a sum of 1,500 Euro – for the ‘Abzocke’. Gebrauchtwaren appear in our infringement, if they can win more products.

Citizen’s Allowance: Work loser pays for other costs

Work morale? By Christopher Fehlanzeige. If the Möbelpacker chooses its new new packaging programs, it is a matter of a zigarette, which helps – it is worth working with anzupacken. There is still service, even after the Motto: “I am a better Schmarotzer.”

Seine Hartz-IV-Bezüge von et was über 400 Euro (die Doku wurde for Einführung des Bürgergeldes aufgezeichnet) invests in a safe in Klamotten and Drogen. Some of the money could be muttered as “Notkasse”.

More information is here for this sister package:

Anyone who belongs to Christopher’s Alltag can follow Zuschauer in the RTL+ Mediathek. Dort since all the time Follow the Bürgergeld-Doku “Armes Deutschland” abrufbar.