
“So beautiful, so long after their names”

“So beautiful, so long after their names”

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I like to be a Mitbringsel in Greece-Touristin – and at the Lidl. But the customer warned against Fallen, in the Urlauber tappen können.

Crete – Beim Supermarkt or Discounter can buy a large product range. It is no longer possible to eat or drink, which is now in a Lidl branch. Discover a kundin in Griechenland-Urlaub a spezielles Angebot: a tropical landscape for the secret four walks. And by the sorting for enthusiam can a fragment arise.

Griechenland-Urlauberin ends up at Lidl under Angebot: “Who heißt die Pflanze?”

A Facebook Beitrag of the Lidl-Kundin in the Gruppe “WIR SIND GARTEN – Zimmerpflanzen” is to settle, that is the Pflanze nicht in Deutschland, under the Greek Urlaubsinsel Crete in a Filiale gefunde hat. Genauer gesagt: In der Stadt Chania und der Nordwestküste Cretas. The price was paid for a Special Price from 4.99 Euro. Was this a matter of Pflanzenart trading?

Eine Pflanze, der Philodendron 'Prince of Orange', is in the Angebotsecke of a Lidl branch
Diesen Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’ is one of the Griechenland-Urlauberin at Lidl. ©

A fragment, the notes in the comment field. “Who called the plant? I think I have a smile and am so long after the name, that I get my gratitude from the post. Another example is that others Nutzern aufgeklärt. “Philodendron ‚Prince of Orange'”, lautete the expert Antwort or others Userin.

“Sieht wunderschön aus”: Lidl-Kundin brings Philodendron “Prince of Orange” from Griechenland-Urlaub with

“If you have found another sister,” commented a user of Lidl-Angebot. Because the family has seen a Philodendron “Prince of Orange”, it is not the case that different comments about the Lidl-Kundin appear. “Ist mir quickly immediately after the purchase entered,” reported a Nutzerin. It is bad that it is a different story, when you see everything, an idea to say: ‘Egal wo ich krimpstellt habe, fitte es nicht. South window deaf. West window deaf. Gar kein Fenster of deaf. That is really strengthening.”

Tropical Plant Philodendron “Prince of Orange”

In Philodendron “Prince of Orange” acts as a kind of plant variety, which is reshaped from the credit-shifting variation of the hole of the Philodendren. Philodendren in tropical areas in the rainfall of South America, the bushy wax or klettern can. The best way to do this is the most commonly used bubble form: young, spreading leaves have a yellow-orange color, before you see it, if you want, dye dark green. The Philodendron “Prince of Orange” (also called “Orange Prince”) waxes bushy and needs a lot of space. There is an optimal throughput and optimal standard height and extension of 90 cm. (Source:

Davon liesße ich die Griechenland-Urlauberin allendings nicht abschrecken. And painted, the city is about the Heimreise nach Deutschland with machines. “It’s a shame in my suitcase with my suitcases”, befürchtetetetete een uwe Nutzerin. If the Urlauber is in the plan, while the tropical landscape exceeds the back journey, a daheim in its entirety will disappoint the Schönheit. “There is no large sink, which is in a machine in one of the Pflanzes. Please feel free to take care of your clothes in the paper, understand and understand: “I’m happy, that’s how it works.”

Take care of your arrival: We warn you for verboten and new details

The Mitbringen von Pflanzen from the Urlaub ist in Brigen not immer laubt. Since the inner lives of the European Union (EU) are separated from the trees, which are not protected as such, they have become happy in the homeland, so they are safe from the privacy idea. Christian Böhm, Leiter des Zollamts am Flughafen Berlin-Brandenburg (BER) warns of warnings MDR: “Is gibt Unterschiede in den eenzelnen Ländern. If some works of art are together, others cannot do that.”

Urlaubsmitbringsel in Pflanzenform aus Nicht-EU-Staaten sind noch deutlich more regulated. “The consequences of the harmful effects of harmful organisms and of course of the plants and plant products, which are affected by these organisms, are strictly prohibited,” he explains. zoll.devia Portal der Generalzolldirektion Deutschlands. Demnach vergilde zudem, dass Urlauber “einige Pflanzen generell nicht aus eeninem Nicht-EU-Staat (Ausnahme: Schweiz und Liechtenstein) mitbringen” dürfen. Please check the General Direction:

  • most coniferous forests
  • some Laubgehölze (Esskastanie, Eiche, Pappel from North America)
  • Obstacles and Shine Games
  • Wine racing
  • Brimstone Butterfly
  • loss of soil and culture substrate
  • Nightly sweet nights
  • Potato tubers
  • many lawns

That Crete-Urlauberin is planning the Lidl branches with the next house. Days spent in other Greece-Tourist roads with a gift for Schnorcheln and an Albtraum experience – in my opinion, a death penalty. (kh)