
Visa Vie setzt bei neuem Podcast nicht op alten Erfolg

Visa Vie setzt bei neuem Podcast nicht op alten Erfolg

After the end of the True-Crime podcasts «Weird Crimes», the Berlin moderator and podcaster takes over the message for his new project. “The chance, no matter how bad the podcast is, is relatively small, but it seems that this is not the case,” said the 37-year-old, civil Charlotte Mellahn heißt, the nachrichten portal “Watson”. «Even if the Plot House is now a half or a foursome, it may be that people and I with the Meiner Leidenschaft, Geschichten zu erzählen, how my Miete zahlen kan, bin ich glücklich.»

While “Weird Crimes” is not confronted with journalists and journalists, Mellahn is regularly informed of the guests with his new podcast and other podcasts and factories. The development of the follow-up podcast duos ensured great aufmerksamkeit last year.