
British Regulation will regulate the availability of space

British Regulation will regulate the availability of space

LONDON/PARIS (dpa-AFX) – The new British Regierung will establish rules for rauchen in free meetings and the Zahl avoid Todesfälle verringern. Prime Minister Keir Starmer agreed that the regulations would be “Entscheidungen in diesem Bereich”. Einzelheiten nannte der sozialdemokratische Regierungschef nicht.

British Regulation will regulate the availability of space

Anyone who eats the Zeitung “Sun” and other British media reports can be banned from other places in beer gardens, sports stadiums and discos in small parks.

Starmer concreted, who would have lived more than 80,000 people in Great Britain because of their wealth. “It is an avoidable Tod, a huge tax for the (State Health Service) NHS and of course for the Steuerzahler,” said the Prime Minister at Rande one of the Besuchs in Paris.

Kritik am “Bevormundungsstaat”

Gastronomie association reacts emmpört. A weitreichendes verb became the raucher nicht von ihrer sucht abhalten, aber das pub-sterben weiter befeuern, warnten sie. The Conservative Opposition War of the Regierung Staatliche Bevormundung vor. Health experts understand the Vorstoß hinges.

The Labour Social Democratic government has ensured that one of the Conservative Prime Ministers Rishi Sunak has gained power. The thinking for the Kauf of Tobacco products is sold over the years, soft drink younger generations have never been as legal as they can./bvi/DP/jha