
Mental-Load-Studie said: Hausarbeit führt zu extremem Stress | Living & Erasing

Mental-Load-Studie said: Hausarbeit führt zu extremem Stress | Living & Erasing

The washing machine beeps, if the appliance is in the coil, the washing machine will no longer work and the laundry basket will no longer be filled. And then the house is no longer suitable for children, the Abendessen and the Hund. A self-declared job is anything that is not necessary – not the job. It could be a bad spot on the Kopfplatzen.

Für die tägliche Hausarbeit hagelt es nur selten Danksagungen. There is a problem that most of the load can be achieved. It said a new one Study by Spontex.

► Demnach wurde the tag taxung, which would go through the house arrest, could be a long trivialization. Of course, the man who knows Ursachen is a Lösungen zu entwickeln. Deswegen would die Mental health-Study in Leben gerufen. Dieser Online-Frageboogen wurde von 5012 Personen ausgefüllt. It’s bad: the house is a stress test.

Psychische Belastung due to all the commotion

The Zahlen sentence: the tag care-labor (all home and family education) beansprucht is more like three stunden and brings many people along while they have a mental border of consciousness. This gold-plated design is special for women.

► Laut der Studie machen nur 22 Prozent der Wise more in Haushalt, with the woman at 52 Prozent. Anyway Beziehung since 93 Prozent der Frauen der Meinung, dass sie an der Mehrheit der Aufgaben beteiligt since. Die gute Nachricht: 77 Prozent der Frauen and men are a court of the house.

Knowing Vile People mental strain from the own Alltag, but now wenige darüber. The fact is: 51 Prozent der Menschen haben zu wenig Zeit für themselves.

And you will notice that the value of the household book is greater. 59 Since people are happy with their work, they are grateful for their work. 29 Thank you so much for your appreciation for more recognition and happiness.