
So we live in our home

So we live in our home

There is a problem that occurs when the residents of the Rhine-Main region of Australia, but now there is a normal housing from the secondary market. Am Hessenring in Rüsselsheim does not entsteht Außergewöhnliches. But despite the fact that it is a project, the Frankfurter Büro ffm Architekten has developed Gewobau hats for the joint community, which enable a number of trends.

If you follow the strategy, by purchasing the new living space, you will also purchase the basic construction work. The houses in Osten Rüsselheim were built – a concept, which sold other houses in the region and were given a higher density in the often used safe to fill quarters. If you use a Hessenring, the smaller Neubauten is established as a satellite, which is connected to the file files. That’s what the trend is: the barrier-free enclosure of files. In the satellite sector, subsidized housing and its upgrading are the best, which can create the best barriers to housing. Once this is the case, it may take longer before your home is occupied.

Der Anbau steht in four weeks

The trend is the construction material. Aufstockungen and Satellites were constructed by Holz. There is no question of an öcological Vorteile, explains Hendrik Tovar, Partner at ffm Architekten. “We will save our time in time,” it says. A satellite building with these homes can be delivered within four weeks thanks to digital plans and higher quality. If you see the wall near the mauerwerk, the Wohnfläche zugutekomme. The Holzfassade, Tovar believes, will continue with great pleasure. “So it was a matter of Sie mit Putz nicht hin.”

Holz guarantees a good Raumklima, says Christiane Varga. Sociology in Vienna, the expert work of the Frankfurt Zukunftsinstituts, no longer finds a walk with the building materials, but with the housing structures. So if it is no longer possible to bring in all the functions of the home, if it is located in the house or in the nachbarschaft, there will be a communal use. Dazu zählen Partyräume, Werkstätten, Gästezimmer or der Schreibtische, une man sie sich auf einemstellung von Mobiles.

Weniger Fläche weigh higher costs

Die Wohnungsgesellschaft GWH zum Beispiel focuses on all Mietern useful Aufenthaltsräume in the Großsiedlung am Ben-Gurion-Ring in Frankfurt ein. Weiter hende Experimente since bisher eher selten. The Gruppe Adaptiv zum Beispiel, de ehemalige Akademie der Arbeit in Frankfurter Stadtteil Bockenheim in een Gemeinschaftliches Wohnprojekt umbauen möchte, die sich Clusterwohnungen coöpertet mit vergleichsweise kleine Privaträumen und grote Gemeinschaftsflächen.

“I am comfortable with myself, that is the living form of my wishes,” Tovar said. There is a lot, if it is a flexible living environment carried out over time, family life will be extended and improved. You will see that the residents will see the Türen or Leichtbauwände that the Räume enlarges or reduces. Generell machen sich Architekten derzeit Gedanken, which charges high costs, which more compact Wohnungen will be made.

“These lifestyles have become more individual,” Christiane Varga has said. Standard living conditions are no longer available. Die Nachfrage became increasingly different. “On one page, cluster living quarters are built, with a single family home that we have been living in.” Never spent their Ansicht nach offene Grundrisse, in der es gar keine abgegrenzten Räume more gibt. “Die Menschen wollen auch mal ihre Ruhe.”

A major role plays a role in the climbing wall, which means that the energy standard is no longer used and has become the art of Heizung. The houses have to go on a climbing walking journey. Large windows are visible from the perspective of the eyes, so they can open up the room. Now that it is no longer a home, it is one of the oldest in Umfeld. If the trend of fastening the Bauen is no longer welded, then the human being is wohlfühlen.