
SAT.1 holt Kultshow mit Ingo Lenßen zurück – Starts in November

SAT.1 holt Kultshow mit Ingo Lenßen zurück – Starts in November

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SAT.1 holt Kultshow mit Ingo Lenßen zurück – Starts in November
Ingo Lenßen became legal Verstärkung in Seiner Show. © Sven Simon/Imago

Anwalt Ingo Lenzen felt broadcast on TV in the year 2001 during the comebacks. Nun started SAT.1 an erneuten Versuch.

Dortmund – In the TV broadcast “Richter Alexander Hold” the TV premiere is: Ingo Lenßen. If you watch on TV, you can watch it. Zuletzt setzte SAT.1 jedoch „Lenßen übernimmt“ ab. It will be nice to have a great time when we come back in time.

SAT.1 holt Kultshow mit Ingo Lenßen zurück – Starts in November

On November 11, Ingo Lenßen appeared with a new TV format on the Bildschirme zurück. The transmission of the title “Lenßen hilft” and a provided legal analysis for all tagging issues. After SAT.1, with “Die Landarztpraxis” a fan-favorite experience, the private broadcaster also offers a two-day comeback in Kurzer Zeit.

Lenzen was highlighted by two experts: the Berliner Anwältin Lisa Cramer, who has her own Kanzlei-fuhrt, saw the ex-footballer Lennart Hartmann, who inzwischischen as Junganwalt-tätig ist. Hartmann played for Hertha BSC and Alemannia Aachen.

“Lenßen hilft” at SAT.1 – new transmission as “Helptainment” format

The new format is tailored to the genre of the so-called “Helptainment” broadcast and is broadcast in the evening program of SAT.1. Gezeigt was always Doppelfolgen, jewels at 4 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. The series is oriented like a real trap, where the trio goes through Berlin in a mobile office, a bus, and goes to its mandant riff.

The bandbreite of the fall, with flexibility and team existence, changes jurisdiction. This includes the law of Family Law, Labor Law, Mietrecht, Erbrecht and Criminal Law. During the mistreatment of the Unterhaltung and the financial support of lawyers, the publication of the publication will have a practical effect on these themes.

With the help of both reports, Ingo Lenßen laut SAT.1 ein Mischiung aus exciting Fallen and hifreichen Tipps für Rechtliche Alltagsfragen präsentieren (more TV-News bei RUHR24 lesen).