
The Eisbären nehmen ab, Munich über the Eröffnung a new, punktreichen Arena.

The Eisbären nehmen ab, Munich über the Eröffnung a new, punktreichen Arena.

The Eisbären nehmen ab, Munich über the Eröffnung a new, punktreichen Arena.

Happy with the Berliner Eisbär-Championship: One Flut von Gegentoren führt zu ersten Niederlage in der DEL. One of the most successful Eishockey-Festivals in Munich, after the premiere of the “Wunderwerks” missling.

As soon as the Meisterschaftsbanner and the deck have been raised, follow a Strom von Gegentoren: The DEL-Rekordmeister Berliner Eisbären has started in the first Liganiederlage on 3. Matchday and has started again. Gegen the Augsburger Panther, the team, the last Saison on the letzten Platz lost, lost with 2:6 (1:1, 1:5, 0:0) and lost their leading position in the Liga ab, which is now the Fischtown Penguins Bremerhaven was launched when the Straubing Tigers Team was under siege at 3:00 am.

Thomas Greiss, the greatest ehemalige Nationaltorwart, from the Ruhestand-zurückkehrte, one for the Frankfurt Lions in the game, erlebte seine first DEL-Niederlage. Greiss and the Hesse lost 0:2 (0:1, 0:1, 0:0) against the ERC Ingolstadt in their best game after an eleven-year Abwesenheit of the League. Greiss wurde 2021 aus dem Nationalteam entfernt, nachdem is controversy Meinungen zu gesellschaftlichen Themen geäußert hatte, and hatte a strandtliche Karriere in the NHL, in the 368 Games games.

The Düsseldorfer EG is certain of its end in its first attack with a dramatic 3:2-Sieg nach a Penalty-Schießen (1:0, 0:1, 1:1, 0:0, 1:0) against the Schwenninger Wild Wings and work are also part of the Tablelenende heraus. The Iserlohn Roosters are lost and lost 3:4 (2:2, 0:0, 1:2) against the Grizzlies Wolfsburg. The fans of the Nürnberg Ice Tigers are behind: Ihr Team was 1:4 and 4:5 against the Kölner Haie zurück, gewann aber schließlich with 6:5 in extra time (1:2, 3:2, 1:1, 0:1).

The “Wunderwerk” for the Eishockey-Meister crown

In the Zwischenzeit a new Ära for two sports teams started in the Münchner Hauptstadt: The new SAP Garden, which is located on the edge of the Olympiaparks, is Freitagabend with a game that the four-time German Eishockey-Meister EHC Red Bull and the NHL-Team Buffalo Sabers officially play opening net. The Anlage, which has already cost 150 million euros and won financing from Red Bull, could win a four-year war over the COVID-19 crisis. The FC Bayern Basketball Team falls in the Arena games.

Allerdings are sporty Debutlauf besser verlaufen können. The guest lost 0:5 (0:2, 0:2, 0:1) against the Sabres, the star player JJ Peterka for the Munich game. Peterka (from the 45. Minute Traffic) was greeted with Applause at the Zeremonie, and received a greater response before Armand Duplantis, the Zweifachen Olympiasieger and Weltrekordhalter in Stabhochsprung, brought the Puck for the Opening Game, thus for the former Münchner Meistertrainer Don Jackson.

“Man must thank everyone for his success after four years of construction,” says the President of Bayern Munich, Uli Hoeneß, who is the joint project with the Red Bull Patriarchs Dietrich Mateschitz, who is now in full swing: “I am totally accomplished.” It’s the first time I’ve been here while SAP Garden is getting started.” On the Donnersdag, the FC Bayern Basketball team is busy with the first Heimspiel in the 11,500-capacity Arena against Real Madrid games. The Bayern has played the Arena for 15 years and was played 20 Australian games while playing in the EuroLeague.

The Münchner Bürgermeister Dieter Reiter is the Veranstaltung, who describes the new Arena as “Bauwerk der Superlative”. Allerdings gibt is four major Eihockey arenas in Germany: in Cologne, Berlin, Mannheim and Düsseldorf. We hope that the new Münchner Arena will launch the World Championship of Men’s World Championships in Handball 2027.

Proud of the great Einweihung of the new SAP Garden for Eishockey in Munich lost to EHC Red Bull with 0:5 against the Buffalo Sabers and the fact that this is a start for the Stadtmeister. Meanwhile, the Augsburg Panthers, who finished last in last season’s standings, managed to score six goals against the Berlin Polar Bears, leading to their first defeat in the DEL competition.

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